5 STEPS to a bigger bench


National Strongman Competitor
Ok this is more strength and power based, for any of you guys who are looking to improve your bench press, try my tips that I have come up with over the past 17 years...

These are tips and techniques that I have found most effective in immediately increasing your number..

Again, this technique is to build strength and power..The reps are meant to be completed with speed and this goes hand in hand with a 5x5 routine..

Which means doing 5 sets of each exercise for 5 reps...

Also on chest day, I literally limit my pressing to 2 exercises..so I may do flat bench and incline dumbells and that it is...

Warmup well first and go heavy...If you can do 6-7 reps with a weight, it is too light for you, go heavier

If you can do 3-4 reps, it is slightly too heavy drop a little bit lighter and work with that routine and I guarantee you will add to your press numbers

Let me know what you guys think
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XNWGdXni5Y8" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
Great video bro! Very professional and very infomative! I'm not a power lifter but who doesn't want add to thier bench and those are some awesome tricks of the trade! Thanks for posting this! The only thing you left out was a couple Cadbury easter eggs between sets! LMAO!
Good tips, that's pretty much the same things I tell guys around here. It's a little secret I've gotten from older powerlifters and these tips DO work. Especially the wider grip. It's hard at first because it's awkward but once you get used to the wider grip it makes a huge difference because of the shorter range of motion.
Wes, is you neck bothering you. Your traps seem a little swolen. lol Very good vidio. You use thumbless grip even on
the heavy sets?? Also, I always thought I use wider then average hand placement (not as wide as yours) I thought that
was rougher on your shoulders with the wider grip. I did recognize that grip from powerlifters but it didnt register till now.
I just thought they had shorter arms that accounted for the shorter distance up and down. I learned something new. thanks. lol
I am going to try the wider grip but how hard is it on the shoulders??? Thanks, again, good video.
Wes, is you neck bothering you. Your traps seem a little swolen. lol Very good vidio. You use thumbless grip even on
the heavy sets?? Also, I always thought I use wider then average hand placement (not as wide as yours) I thought that
was rougher on your shoulders with the wider grip. I did recognize that grip from powerlifters but it didnt register till now.
I just thought they had shorter arms that accounted for the shorter distance up and down. I learned something new. thanks. lol
I am going to try the wider grip but how hard is it on the shoulders??? Thanks, again, good video.

Start out trying it on a lighter weight until you feel comfortable with the wider grip because it is totally different than what you'll be used to. It's actually not as bad on the shoulders as people think simply because the wider your grip is, the less your shouldrs actually move because of the range of motion. Think of it like this, a close grip forces you to move your elbows well past your chest while benching and that puts strain of your shoulder, but a wide grip barely lets your elbows go past your chest