70's bodybuilding

Yeah its cause they didnt use AAS ;) I think it is just the fact that they were so new to the scene, its not uncommon to search through a board's member photos and see some huge sumbitches, some of these guys could have competitively competed back then but not today brotha, they need high octane fuel in their tanks to hang with the big boys!
ronnie is definately the man... as far as arnold goes, he simply has the best genetics any human has ever been blessed with... the only reason the most recent bodybuilders are so huge is because of GH and new ways to train discovered by scientists and doctors.
i think some of the reasons the huge guys are so huge is cuz of genetics bro. cuz you see alot of bros on GH and they dont look like shit. its dedication, new age diet, genetics and training. alogn with aas and gh .
Back then bodybuilders trained to look like greek gods. Today its all about who can pack on the most meat, then lean it down.

One reason why Bodybuilder's are larger today, is because simply more people pump iron then in the 70's, hence there are more bb's with fantastic gentics for getting big. Just like anyother sport, athletes are much bigger and stronger, and faster then they were 30 years ago.

This is also due to improvements in knowlege of exercise and diet

But one has to acknowledge that the use of insulin has played a huge part in getting these bodybuilder's as huge as they are today. Today bodybuilders are simply willing to go above and beyond just using steroids, which are harmless in comparison to using insulin.

I personally enjoy competing and bodybuilding, and using steroids, but using insulin is one line I will never cross.

I say what is the differance, once you start poppin pills and injecting yourself its all the same.Do what you got to get where your going. There are alot of people buying gear from mail order from who the hell knows , from who knows where...and best of all taking for granted the shit is what they say. Insulin at least comes from pharmcy...true.... of course i used to bounce with this guy telling me how bad roids were for ya...as he is eating sheets of paper (ACID) like its fu*&%&*^ bubble gum....that he bought from some hair bag he's never met before!!!!
dude, juice (along with proper training, diet and rest) will help you get huge, no doubt.. some sides include liver / kidney damage, mucle / tendon tears, oily skin, acne, etc... with insulin, you can DIE !! that shit will kill you in a matter of minutes, literally...dangerous shit...never touch insulin unless you're supervised by a doctor or you're a doc yourself...otherwise, that's just stupid..