A Kilo of Growth Hormone


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Anyone ever purchased one and what did it run you if you don't mind? Pm me if you don't want your shit on blast.
what do you mean a brick of it? your talking about hgh lyophilized powder? it would take up the space of a bedroom its so light or am i missing somehting here
This, and it is kind of fragile....

sent from a remote bunker while banging a Terminator Model T-X
what do you mean a brick of it? your talking about hgh lyophilized powder? it would take up the space of a bedroom its so light or am i missing somehting here

I don't think it's by weight but by size. A brick of it the size of your standard kilo of Columbian bam bam.
That was the purpose of the thread. Wtf is a kilo of growth. Waiting on the Chinaman.
lol, a kilogram is a kilogram, a microgram is a microgram and wait for it......wait for it.......a milligram is a milligram ...HOLY SHIT thats complicated stuff right there lol,

and when you say raw growth hormone powder i am assuming your talking about lyophilized powder, so i have no idea how that would be shipped or just how huge a kilo of lyophilized powder would be lol, but i am very curious to hear the answer
lol, a kilogram is a kilogram, a microgram is a microgram and wait for it......wait for it.......a milligram is a milligram ...HOLY SHIT thats complicated stuff right there lol,

and when you say raw growth hormone powder i am assuming your talking about lyophilized powder, so i have no idea how that would be shipped or just how huge a kilo of lyophilized powder would be lol, but i am very curious to hear the answer
Im guessing someone would notice a brick the size of a 3000sq ft house being transported

sent from a remote bunker while banging a Terminator Model T-X
lol, a kilogram is a kilogram, a microgram is a microgram and wait for it......wait for it.......a milligram is a milligram ...HOLY SHIT thats complicated stuff right there lol,

and when you say raw growth hormone powder i am assuming your talking about lyophilized powder, so i have no idea how that would be shipped or just how huge a kilo of lyophilized powder would be lol, but i am very curious to hear the answer

Im with you p and the math makes sense but when someone asks if you want a kilo of growth the head scratching begins. There is no way it's by weight so the kilo reference is incorrect. The only thing I can imagine is that it's a brick of the powder the size of a standard brick. I'm as intrigued by the size as I am by what the price will be. I'm guessing in the 5-10k range.
Im guessing someone would notice a brick the size of a 3000sq ft house being transported

sent from a remote bunker while banging a Terminator Model T-X

yeah, it would likely be so big that it would probably pass through customs no problem lol, you cut a couple windowns into it, a couple doors into it, paint it, and voila, you have a Lyophilized Growth Hormone House on the back of a trailer lmao

no really though im super curious to know what the guy means by this as well, and for shits and giggles i would love to know how big a kilogram wafer of HGH would be, lol, huge no doubt