A Nation of Pussies


MuscleChemistry Member
I don't know how I ran into this blog but this was hilarious and so true.

[h=3]Use Your Words: How We're Raising a Nation of Pussies![/h]Walk into any playground or classroom in America and the most common phrase you'll hear parents and teachers say is "Use your words!"
I hear this phrase EVERYWHERE. Essentially, it's a mantra that enforces the idea that children should never hit or push one another. Nonviolence should be practiced at all times under every circumstance. And there is no problem that cannot be solved by open communication.
Want to know what I think? I think it's a bullshit mantra that only helps raise the next generation of pussies.
You want to know what I teach the Peanut? That actions have consequences. That one must always take responsibility for one's own actions. That words are sometimes not enough. And that, frequently in life, people need to be taught tough lessons.
Don't get me wrong. My daughter is a sweetheart. She's kind. She's caring. And she's extremely empathetic. I don't encourage her to go around indiscriminately hitting people. However, I do teach her not to take shit from anyone. Whenever another child pushes her, I tell her to politely tell that child that you don't like being pushed. But if he does it again, she has my full permission to shove his ass to the ground as hard as she can.
I guess the parenting mantra I'm trying to reenforce with her is, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
Because I'm such an easy-going guy, people are often surprised when they hear my philosophy on this subject. Last week, I was at daycare with the Peanut when an older boy came over and grabbed a toy out of the Peanut's hand. When she kindly asked for it back, the boy pushed her. The Peanut then turned to the boy and said, "Please don't push me. I don't like being pushed."
The boy's mother witnessed the whole thing and gently admonished her son, saying that it wasn't nice to push one's friends. What does the kid do? He hits the Peanut and pushes her again! Before the boy's mother can do anything, I calmly turn to my daughter and say, "You know what to do, kiddo."
The Peanut immediately runs up to the boy and shoves him so hard, he falls down on the ground. Predictably, he starts bawling his ass off. The mother looks at me with shock and yells at me, "how can you tell your daughter to push my child?"
I calmly reply, "My daughter very politely asked your son to stop pushing her. You yourself told him to stop pushing her. And what does your son do? Not only does he push her again but he also hit her. Do you think your way was working?"
At this point, I turn to the boy and say, "Are you ever going to push the Peanut again?"
Still choking back tears and clinging to his mother, he says "No. Never."
Five minutes later, the two kids were hugging each other and playing in the toy kitchen.
I don't know why, as parents, we've become so overprotective of our children. We coddle them. We hover over them. We don't allow them fail or to learn life's lessons on their own. And most importantly, we fail to discipline them. It's almost as if we're afraid of doing so.
As I said earlier, the most important lessons I want to teach the Peanut are that (1) actions have consequences, and (2) you should always accept responsibility for your actions. Somehow this seems to have faded from our nation's consciousness.
Look around us and you'll see adults everywhere who no longer hold themselves personally responsible for anything! From the adult who sues for wrongful termination because the employee manual didn't say that Xeroxing your bunghole was against company rules to the politician who blames his embezzling funds on the fact that he had an undiagnosed allergic reaction to mangoes, you'll notice that we've become a nation of pussies.
Don't you think it's because we're raising our kids to BECOME pussies?
Back when I was a kid, you learned your lessons the hard way. If you mouthed off to the wrong guy, you got your ass kicked. You sucked it up and walked it off. Nobody gave a rat's ass about your self-esteem or your gentle demeanor. You made a decision and that decision got your ass kicked.
That's an important lesson to learn in life, don't you think?

Funny I just told my Daughter the other day that she has my permission to Punch the next person Square in the fucking face for making jokes about her dead cousin at school
I tell my son all the time to beat some ass. He says he'll get into trouble and I tell him that he very well may, but sometimes getting into trouble is better than getting picked on. And if he ever gets in trouble for defending himself I will take it up with his principal.
Hell yeah I remember i was worried about getting in trouble at home for getting in trouble at school, and I had this kid who kept writing on my kick ass Jean Jacket with a POISON patch on the back, yeah im OLDerish lol. Told my mom, she said if he does it again punch his lights out

So next day in gym class, i told him that if he does it again im going to knock his braces out, he ofcourse did it again right then and there to be cool and I proceeded to smash his face in, all the while he is screaming "This aint my Spuds McKenzie shirt" lmao, I know im OLDer..ish anyways he was more worried his brother would whoop his ass for bleeding on his Spuds McKenzie shirt,lol
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when I was a kid I was always told, don't hit...since I didn't want to get in trouble I never did

and in turn there were a lot of kids that picked on me that I could have kicked the shit out of-the other kids saw this and said hey we can pick on him and get away with it

soon I learned and the equation was simple, kick the shit out of one or two people and the rest will leave you alone

a bully is not looking for a challenge they are looking for someone to prey on to make themselves feel better about themselves

if they think you will fight back they will look for easier prey

we live in a society of Dr. Drew and Dr. Phil and all this shit that talk of, the bully must stop-actions speak louder than words

punch one snot nose fucker in the face and the rest will leave you alone

THERE the bully has stopped
We have a society now that thinks that its against the law for someone to say something bad about them on Facebook... Then you've got the people that think its some big crime when there's a fight at school.
I remember when I was in 5th grade and got in trouble for kicking the crap out of another kid my age. As soon as I told my parents that I did it because he was picking on my brother they took me out and bought me another toy..
In fairness it is against the law now to use deragotory words about other races. You can now be arrested for a Hate Crime no BS!
In fairness it is against the law now to use deragotory words about other races. You can now be arrested for a Hate Crime no BS!

No shit?? That's crazy. My understanding is that for something to be a Hate Crime it first has to meet the statutory requirements of a crime. Low lowest of which would be an Assault. I can't see how that isn't a blatant violation of the First Amendment. I'm not saying it isn't rude and inappropriate, but a crime? So the next time I get called a Cracker I can have the person arrested? Lol...
No shit?? That's crazy. My understanding is that for something to be a Hate Crime it first has to meet the statutory requirements of a crime. Low lowest of which would be an Assault. I can't see how that isn't a blatant violation of the First Amendment. I'm not saying it isn't rude and inappropriate, but a crime? So the next time I get called a Cracker I can have the person arrested? Lol...

Nope cracker wont cut it, but the Opposite word applys and there have been arrests for it! As its associated with a hate crime now, no BS brutha!
yeah it's true, honky-cracker, that's 1st Admen. rights

anything else and it's racist

even in crimes if it's against a minority and racial slurs are used it's a hate crime

BUT if the slurs are used against a white person then it's not admissible in court, it's not a hate crime
Damn.... That's crazy!! I rarely use racial slurs as it just feels wrong, but occassionally one slips out in a heated discussion, but its never directed at someone
I heard a comic say once, that when he was a kid, it was "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" but now it's " sticks and stones may break my bones but words will damage my inner child forever! " ......that is so frikken true.
Nope cracker wont cut it, but the Opposite word applys and there have been arrests for it! As its associated with a hate crime now, no BS brutha!

Yeah unfortunately the law is so stupid. Pretty much any crime can be interpreted as a hate crime if the victim is a special group. So for whatever reason you get into an argument and it escalates to a fight and the person that gets beat up happens to be gay the DA can interpret that as a hate crime.
Times have changed, you can't just get into a fight anymore without it being a hate crime or race based violence. It's bullshit the pussies are all protected anymore and they know this so they just act like their badasses now because they have the law on their side. It's funny how someone can provoke a fight then get their ass beat, but the person who was provoked is the one who gets arrested.
I heard a comic say once, that when he was a kid, it was "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" but now it's " sticks and stones may break my bones but words will damage my inner child forever! " ......that is so frikken true.

LMAO Thats great!
You're absolutely right, kids today take things to heart, you've got kids that'll kill themselves over bullying and then others that'll kill everybody because of it. You can't find a happy medium between the 2
You're absolutely right, kids today take things to heart, you've got kids that'll kill themselves over bullying and then others that'll kill everybody because of it. You can't find a happy medium between the 2

Amen to that, and the kids you do find in the middle with that Happy medium, are on Anti-depressants lol
Anti-depressants or adderall...Which in turn leads to either being pot heads or coke heads. Then you have 2 far ends of that bunch, the kids who love uppers and the kids who love downers
I love my anti depressants. Especially now that I know I can be called anything by anyone, but if I return the favor I'll be a Hate Monger
i agree.. just the other day i was watching the news and it was all about children being bullied. there were 2 girls on tele saying "i got bullied" This shit actualy makes the news? WTF we all got bullied at school and we all did some bullying too... its the way life is im sorry but toughen the fuk up.. if you dont like it do somthing about it.. a nation of pussies is correct. bullying on the internet?? how is this even possible? if you dont know the other person online then you could say what ever you want back to them ... stand up for yourself... if you do know who the person is.. then punch them in the face the next time you see them.. ... instead of these simple solutions to help children feel like they have a little power behind them... WE make them feel like victums, by putting them on tv and sayhing "look at these poor little girls who get abbused on the internet, and they cant do nothing about it. These sor tof girls kill themselves. Look at the new statistics on childhood suicide rates" W T F !!

If they told the kids " hey why dont you go play outside and get off the fircken internet!" im sure they would not be thinking about suicide FFS