A Nation of Pussies

My dad was an abuser anyway. I beat the shit out of a kid and his dad brought the kid to my house. I was scared bc I left him in bad shape. I was about 10 years old. First REAL fight. Anyway, the kid had it coming and my dad called me to the door and I explained what happened and my dad told the other dad, "well I geuss Jimmy better not fuck with my son anymore" and slammed the door.
LOL, great posts. Reminds me of the begining of the movie 21 Jump street. Thought it was a terrable movie but
the part on their first day of school. School guys were making fun of their hot rod being a gas guzzler. They pointed
out their little car and Tatim Chaning says "that car is gay" one of the guys jumps in his face so Tatim punches him.
(JUST LIKE WE HAD TO OR WE WOULD BE PUSSIES) everyone starts yelling "you hit him cus hes gay!!!" Pretty funny.
I also have daughters. I have been into martial arts most of my life and they want nothing to do with it. I do mess
with my younger one sometimes. She has pretty good reflexes and hands. Well, last year she was in the 8th grade
and a boy in her class kept messin with her. He grabed her shoulder. She reached over, got a hold of his thumb and
started bending in backwards. She came home telling me that the "Thumb thing" worked!! She kept the hold and had
him on his knees saying "I'm sorry" lol. Gotta love it.
I can't beleive no one has mentioned planet fitness and the wussification of America

dont be so hard on them. I hear they put out doughnuts. I'm gonna check them out. 10 bucks a month, I think
I can eat way more doughnuts then the monthly fee.
Completely agree Ive got identical twin boys 4yrs old and not once ever have they watched wwf or any mma events but holy shit these boys are some how well trained in submissions,choke holds,wrestling moves and sparring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh yeah needless to say wtf how did they learn that stuff but you know what ive just explained and taught them that only in self defense may you use that and ONLY if and ONLY when you cant walk away iv taught them words dont mean shit you put your hands on me thats your ass, but apparently one of the boys had a kid at school 3x his size kept fn with him taking his jkacket, snatchn toys he was playing with, books he was reading and thestupid ass teacher allowed this for weeks til i noticed my sons behavior and attitude changed and had built up anger so i asked him whats up and he told me and i said dont allow that "But daddy you said if he doesnt put hands on me then ill get in trouble so i talked to the idiot teacher who said yeah ive noticed the change in behavior the last 2 months im like you dumbass ur just telling me this so that day around lunch i get a call from the school saying i needed to get there immediately, so i get there i see a big kid with and ice pack on his face with parents consoling him blood on his shirt and pants then look across the room worried how my son looked hes over there in a chair swinging his feet looking scared and the fn principals telling me hes suspened and might be charged with bullying and the other parents want to press charges ru fn serious ur sons 40lbs and 2ft bigger than my boy just because hes a bully and my boy got tired of the bullshit and kicked the crap out of his ass you want to sue me hes goddam 4 yrs old what the f hasppened to our schools and country

Train Hard
Be Humble
Fight Dirty
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Completely agree Ive got identical twin boys 4yrs old and not once ever have they watched wwf or any mma events but holy shit these boys are some how well trained in submissions,choke holds,wrestling moves and sparring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh yeah needless to say wtf how did they learn that stuff but you know what ive just explained and taught them that only in self defense may you use that and ONLY if and ONLY when you cant walk away iv taught them words dont mean shit you put your hands on me thats your ass, but apparently one of the boys had a kid at school 3x his size kept fn with him taking his jkacket, snatchn toys he was playing with, books he was reading and thestupid ass teacher allowed this for weeks til i noticed my sons behavior and attitude changed and had built up anger so i asked him whats up and he told me and i said dont allow that "But daddy you said if he doesnt put hands on me then ill get in trouble so i talked to the idiot teacher who said yeah ive noticed the change in behavior the last 2 months im like you dumbass ur just telling me this so that day around lunch i get a call from the school saying i needed to get there immediately, so i get there i see a big kid with and ice pack on his face with parents consoling him blood on his shirt and pants then look across the room worried how my son looked hes over there in a chair swinging his feet looking scared and the fn principals telling me hes suspened and might be charged with bullying and the other parents want to press charges ru fn serious ur sons 40lbs and 2ft bigger than my boy just because hes a bully and my boy got tired of the bullshit and kicked the crap out of his ass you want to sue me hes goddam 4 yrs old what the f hasppened to our schools and country

Train Hard
Be Humble
Fight Dirty

Yep the schools have become a bunch of liberal pusses! I had to get a fucking lawyer last school year for my oldest daughter who is 17, and i took the lawyer to the high school with me,lol, my daughter had enough and she couldn't take it anymore so she walloped the other girl upside her fucking head!

And I also have twins, almost 9 months old, one boy one girl and the golden rule is if anyone ever put their hands on you , even if its just a little push in the back or whatever , my kids are to aim for the fucking teeth! My wife is a high school teacher of 12 years, 11 and 12th grade and she sees how these kids get picked on and do nothing about it and it changes who these kids are and they don't get a chance to develop into who they are, they become introverted and its not good, so all 3 of my kids are to whoop your mother fucking ass if they're getting picked on and dad will bring a lawyer to school if need be lol

But if I catch my kids doing the bullying or picking on other kids, i will personally whoop their asses myself!
maybe it's a regional thing but when someone says, "use your words" around here it's because the damned kid can't talk because 99% of his/her socialization is done on an ipad or Xbox and they never learned to talk to other humans. so when they are put in front of other humans the panics and close up. I have had my own bouts with social anxiety over the years and I've noticed that when I stopped playing games it got much better. in fact if I spend a sunday alone and don't talk to anyone it takes me a minute to get acclimated to talking to other humans.

Anti-depressants or adderall...Which in turn leads to either being pot heads or coke heads. Then you have 2 far ends of that bunch, the kids who love uppers and the kids who love downers
just give me a Tylenol PM and nothing to have to wake up for. aaahhhhhh :)