A new look into doing Sustanon250 by basskiller

No one knows why we want to keep blood T levels even? Anyone at least think my graph is pretty? I did it during Criminal Law class. :D
That's a good question 46+2,why do we want to keep them level?...Most hormones are naturally either pulsitile with peaks and valleys related to their intermintant release(GH for example) or circadian with fluctuations related to the sleep/wake cycle (Test for example).
I'm not sure why we aim for constant levels,maybe mimicing a circadian pattern with test would be even better(but had to achieve I realize)...I don't know...
What does anyone else think about 46+2's question?
the more even the blood concentration, the greater the results and the less the side effects
Now the differences can be small but they're still there.
It's really up to the user as to weather or not the injection frequency outweighs the lack of a few extra lbs and more sides, by shooting sust 3 times a week
Bass any idea why? I've always heard and preached the same thing about keeping the concentration even but when 46+2 asked to expand on the reasoning as to why, I have to say I'm not sure exactly.
Presser said:

I think the world maybe coming to an end now,lmao

LOL,I tell you what the problem is Presser,it's my low post-cycle post-Clomid natural friggin circadian Test levels. My brain runs much better on High-Test than low. I get too damn indecisive.

I'm still hoping for some more insight from Governor Bass ;)
Ok lets see if we can put this into perspective... I've asked some of who I feel are the most knowledgeable guys on these boards about this to see if they agree and yes, so far everyone seems to be on the same page

The best way to put it is as Andy said .. I'm paraphrasing here

Many, guys say that dbol is many times more effective when taken throughout the day, Bill Roberts included.
There seem to be less sides and more gains as opposed to just taking it 1 or 2 times daily....

The only difference between taking it 1 to 2 times a day and throughout the day is the stability in the blood .

The higher injection frequency = stable blood levels = better gains and or less sides is simply an extension of this analogy.

There's no doubt that people gain from injecting sustanon 1x/week... But, at least in theory, it would be better if split up..
The magnitude of the difference in blood levels increases with dose..
So the need to split up the injections increases with the dose and may not be that big of a deal on small cycles.
I didn't want to bother you, Your in training for a show....
Bass....I see your point. Keeping T levels at a constant has always been everyones goals....one thing that needs to be pointed out though is the fact that there are quite a few days where your T levels far exceed the 600 mark when shooting less than EOD.Even the lowest drops in the other method still hover around the 600 range. Whether this is a good or bad thing I am not quite certain yet. Good info....I would say something like this would be completely up to the user.....IMO if I am gonna stick a pin ED its gonna have Tren/Suspension or Prop in it though....just my thoughts bro.........456

I fall into the "less knowledgeable" category too I guess.