A political 'what if'

You need to look up Hegelian dialetic where thesis and antithesis = synthesis, this is old news, the left right argument is a joke. Its to keep the masses split. Bickering amongst themselves while their agenda gets pushed through. There is only one party their party. Ever notice who ever gets elected. Each party always fill their ranks with the council on foreign relations and the tri-lateral commision. The democracy is a bogus lie, we have an Oligarchy run by a group of men. A so called shadow government. The American people did not want the crap health care Obama shoved down our throats, the Council on Foreign relations wanted it though. Theres a lot more to the liberal mind set than being open, Liberals feel they are superior to you and I and know better therefor should rule and we should follow their directions. Look of Fasces, its on the back of a dime and is routinely seen around out government houses. Get use to seeing the Fasces.
Liberal- Open-Minded
Conservative- Closed-Minded

These are their most simplistic definitions.

Which are you?

There is no left and right. There are no Republicans or Democrats. There are those that believe that the Constitution should govern this country and those that do not. It is clearly stated in the Constitution that the Federal Govt should not have even a fraction of the influence that they have exerted in the last century.
The Fed is responsible for maintaining an army, maintaining interstates, things of this nature. THAT IS ALL. No drug laws, no gun laws, no Proffessional politicians, none of this....
Liberal- Open-Minded
Conservative- Closed-Minded

These are their most simplistic definitions.

Which are you?

You are clueless. Liberal's... Ideas so great they need to FORCE you at the end of a loaded gun to do them.

But like the Dude said there is no more real left right, Dem Rep. The two parties are 99% the same. The little differences they appear to have is all for show to keep the charade going.

To even more simplify your little analogy how this. Either you are for ultimate individual person liberty and freedom or you are not. There should be no compromise.
Dude I agree with the staging of things, and yes everyone interprets that as crazy if you think so but the proof is in the pudding
9/11---everyone immediately outraged to the point of revenge set minds (including me at the time bc I didn't know any better, was young) let's kill those mother fuckers, mission accomplished. In the mean time the area that was supposed to be considered a crime scene was sold off to the lowest bidder illegally. You have 2500+ building engineers, and physicists petitioning that this was an IMPOSSIBLE act, not improbable, you have the law of physics being broken, you have dozens of comparisons with hotter fires that burned for 48 hours built the same way with no collapse, you have mystery buildings coming down 300 yards away, unexplained booms. But mission accomplished

Sandy hook----- all the facts turn out to not be facts, they want to push guns off the table, this is used, this time people are starting to question more, you start seeing a rise in very questionable shootings until the guns can be made illegal but this single act was not enough leading to more possibly set up situations.

I don't believe a lot of stuff anymore. The people I thought were insane at 18 years-21 years old I see now were not crazy. To think that hidden agendas do not exist is insane.

I did a medical exam on someone who explained a whole story on how he loved the military, how he was in it, how him and a team had to go drop some packages of, didnt know the location or what they were bringing. They thought it was arms in inclosed cases. He told me 4 of the guys died within the next year from radiation poisoning, that the helicopter pilot committed suicide due to the pain of the radiation sickness, and how him and another man are now sick and the only 2 survivors. He went on to tell me they planted yellowcake, and after the act another team was sent in to distract it due to the found out you can test it for geologic location where it was made. This was during the time they were seeking WMD's. Odd huh.

I know a lot of people that are full of shit and I can pick them out when peaking to them, this guy was for real. He had what he said he had and it was an un-ordinarily high amount of radiation damage. I work with radiation and this guy had more than 30 people should have in life times of working directly with radiation, and got it in a very very quick amount of time.
Liberal- Open-Minded
Conservative- Closed-Minded

These are their most simplistic definitions.

Which are you?
This is what the Liberal media wants you to beleive, but not true. Like MSNBC (BSNBC) slogan is Lean Forword. They call themselves progressive, it really sounds like its cool and gets the job done right? Can you say spin?? When Libs pull this crap on me (like the leaning forword or progressive) I pull the ol' "yea thats why conservatives are RIGHT wing!! We are right)

Not that Conservatives are any angels either. I like to think I'm centered, but lean right. Both parties have thier share of idiots no doubt