youre looking amazing Bro! I cant believe youre in that kind of shape with no hardcore dieting and no cardio. Apparently this stuff REALLY agrees with you. Now that Silk is using it the bottles are going super fast. I already have to place another order! Im running out of things to forgo to keep up with this stuff.
youre looking amazing Bro! I cant believe youre in that kind of shape with no hardcore dieting and no cardio. Apparently this stuff REALLY agrees with you. Now that Silk is using it the bottles are going super fast. I already have to place another order! Im running out of things to forgo to keep up with this stuff.

Thanks Brother!! It is a well spent expense for you and Silk. You both look amazing yourself!! People at the gym hate me cause I do no cardio and eat pop tarts post workout....LMAO
Thanks Brother!! It is a well spent expense for you and Silk. You both look amazing yourself!! People at the gym hate me cause I do no cardio and eat pop tarts post workout....LMAO
Whoa eat pop tarts post workout?!? Now I hate you! HA! Kidding of course.
You look great Austin! I'm happy for you. I'm sure you're a big motivator to your friends and family. Even the guy wearing the green shirt in your chest pic LOL!
Whoa eat pop tarts post workout?!? Now I hate you! HA! Kidding of course.
You look great Austin! I'm happy for you. I'm sure you're a big motivator to your friends and family. Even the guy wearing the green shirt in your chest pic LOL!

Thanks Silk. For the most part, I'm a ball of energy. I've always been hyper as hell. Hopefully, I can motivate a few people to get off the arse right!! I ate pretty clean for a long time and never gained a pound. When I started eatin more carbs, I finally started putting on some pounds again. So, now I just find the most calorie dense food I can and kill it. Pop tarts, muffins and cheese cake are my go to's. I get a good 1000 calories a day like that and the rest is decent. lol
I ate pretty clean for a long time and never gained a pound. When I started eatin more carbs, I finally started putting on some pounds again. So, now I just find the most calorie dense food I can and kill it. Pop tarts, muffins and cheese cake are my go to's. I get a good 1000 calories a day like that and the rest is decent. lol
My takeaway from this is to eat pop tarts, muffins and cheese cake. Works for me!
My takeaway from this is to eat pop tarts, muffins and cheese cake. Works for me!

My advice to anyone whether it be nutrition, training or gear, is to find what works for you and your body. Then replicate it consistently like a religion. ;)
5 weeks into GHRP-2 with 2 weeks of MC IGF and I'm holding onto a solid 8 pound increase and even leaner than when I started....
Damn. This looks like one hell of an interesting combo. With some of the sales going on it makes it quite tempting to hop on, but I've spent a little more than I wanted to over the last few months (variety of things...especially cars lol), and Folli, Ace, GHRP-2 and LR3 would be one hell of a bill lol.
Keep up updated though, as I may well wait until their next sale to try some of these!