Aaron Hernandez Arrest Warrant Prepared


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Aaron Hernandez Arrest Warrant Prepared on Obstruction of Justice Charge, Sources Say


Police Want Answers on NFL Player's Smashed Cellphone


NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH, Mass. June 21, 2013

New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez is now the subject of an arrest warrant drawn up on obstruction of justice charges based on the possible destruction of evidence in connection with the shooting death of his friend, ABC News has learned.
The growing investigation into Hernandez prompted CtyoSport, which makes the Muscle Milk line of supplements, to fire Hernandez as an endorser today.
"In light of the investigation involving Aaron Hernandez, CytoSport is terminating its endorsement contract with Mr. Hernandez, effective immediately," the company said in a statement.
Police sources told ABC News on Thursday that a major investigative tool – the security system at Hernandez's home, which included video – had been intentionally destroyed. His cell phone was handed over to police "in pieces," and appeared to have been smashed.
Police also want to know why a team of house cleaners were hired on Monday to scrub Hernandez's mansion, the sources said.
Evidence is mounting that Hernandez and the victim, Odin Lloyd, 27, a semi-pro football player, had been together at several nightclubs during the course of the weekend, including the night before Lloyd's body was found, several law enforcement sources told ABC News.
The star NFL player has not been ruled out as a suspect in the murder of a semi-pro football player Odin Lloyd, 27, who was Hernandez's friend, sources said, but the warrant that has been issued does not include a murder allegation.

Hernandez has been at the center of the investigation since Lloyd's body was found shot in the back of the head in a scrubby clearing of an industrial park roughly a mile from the Patriots star's $1.7 million mansion in North Attleborough, Mass., on Monday.
Lloyd was believed to have been killed sometime before dawn on Monday, although his body was not discovered until Monday evening by a teenage jogger.
Surveilance videos from nightclubs and in the area of Hernandez's home show Hernandez, Lloyd and two other men together in the hours before Lloyd was shot in the head.
Police are also investigating "other incidents of violence" that Hernandez is suspected of being involved in, two sources told ABC News.
Hernandez is being sued by a former friend who lost his eye after he claims the Patriots player shot him in the face in February. A lawsuit in that case stated that Hernandez "possessed a gun he was not legally licensed to have."
In the lawsuit initially filed in federal court on June 13, attorneys representing Alexander Bradley, 32, said that Hernandez and several others were at Tootsie's strip club in Miami on Feb. 13 when Bradley and Hernandez got into an argument. The group then left the club, and while driving towards Palm Beach, Hernandez's gun discharged inside the vehicle. "It fired, and a bullet went through my client's arm and blew out his right eye," attorney David Jaroslawicz told ABCNews.com. "It has been enucleated -- replaced with a prosthetic eye. He has also lost use of his right arm."
The victim, however, apparently did not tell Palm Beach County sheriffs who responded that the shooter was his friend Aaron Hernandez. The tight end's name is not mentioned on the police report.
Hernandez was also questioned about a shooting when he was a college student, but he was not charged in the case.

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Destroying his cell phone, having his house professionally cleaned, and sabotaging his security system is not making him look like an innocent man, just saying.

I think he is a dumb motherfucker if you ask me.
Destroying his cell phone, having his house professionally cleaned, and sabotaging his security system is not making him look like an innocent man, just saying.

I think he is a dumb motherfucker if you ask me.

NO! You think...the stupid shit just pled guilty

that would be one dumb fucking jury to get him off-OJ Simpson???
all this sports stars cant seem to escape their ghetto side, I guess you can take them out of the ghetto but not the ghetto out of them
Here we go again, this shit will be on the news for months im assuming. How do these dumbasses make all this money and then do something retarded like this. He's obviously guilty and will probably walk for it. Merrica
so the dumb media can talk about that instead of how the political fuckers are screwing us over
well i cant find shit on the story now, i was trying to see the latest and havent heard much on espn

Everyone in the National Football League knew that Aaron Hernandez was likely to come with baggage. Elite tight ends from major college programs like the University of Florida do not drop into the fourth round of the NFL draft – as Hernandez did in 2010 – unless there are lingering questions. Big ones.

Now those questions are coming to the fore as a murder investigation swirls around Hernandez.
Local and state police intensified their investigation of Hernandez Saturday, searching his house and grounds for nearly four hours and leaving with about 10 bags of evidence, according to the Los Angeles Times. Moreover, a paper warrant for Hernandez's arrest on obstruction of justice charges has been issued but not yet executed, reports FOX 25 Boston

A paper warrant is often issued as a way to persuade defense attorneys to cooperate, said FOX 25's legal analyst, Brad Bailey.
"It may be that this is a squeeze tactic," he said. "It may be telling Mr. Hernandez that we have a warrant, a warrant for a crime that has a potential maximum penalty of seven years in prison, is a tactic to get him to come to the table, start talking and start cooperating. And that's where the lawyers may be saying, 'OK, we got it. You got our attention. We're willing to respond.' "
ABC originally reported that Hernandez "destroyed his home security system,'' and that he handed over his cellphone to authorities "in pieces." Numerous reports also note that Hernandez had a cleaning service scrub his house Monday.
Other media reports have established a cursory timeline in the case. The Boston Globe has reported that video images show Hernandez with Odin Lloyd, a semipro football player, in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston early Monday morning. The Fox 25 report cites sources saying there is video evidence of Hernandez and two men in hooded sweatshirts walking into Hernandez's home between 3:00 and 3:30 a.m. Monday.
Police say Lloyd was murdered – shot in the back of the head – at an industrial park near Hernandez's North Attleborough, Mass., home before dawn Monday.
Hernandez has found himself tailed by trouble since his days as a member of the University of Florida Gators.
In 2007, Hernandez was one of four Gators interviewed by police after the shooting of two men, one fatally, in Gainesville, Fla., the night after the Gators lost to Auburn, 20-17. He was never charged with any crime.
Before the NFL draft in 2010, Hernandez admitted to NFL teams that he had failed numerous drug tests, and concern among NFL personnel about Hernandez's potential connection to people with gang ties led him to drop to the fourth round, reports Sports Illustrated.
More recently, on May 18, police found a handgun apparently discarded under a vehicle near where Hernandez was accosted by a New York Jets fan at 2:26 a.m. in Providence, R.I. Police were never able to identify whose gun it was or how it got there, according to the Sports Illustrated report.
Then last week, a civil lawsuit against Hernandez was filed, alleging that Hernandez shot a man,Alexander Bradley, in south Florida in February, injuring Bradley's arm and causing him to lose an eye. "Hernandez shot him," said Bradley's lawyer, David Jaroslawicz, in a phone interview with Sports Illustrated. "It's either a negligence case or a deliberate shooting. We'll see if Hernandez wants to come in and raise his right hand and tell us what happened."
Some who know Hernandez say is has a good heart but had a difficult time coping after his father's death in 2006 and has fallen in with the wrong crowd. University of Florida coaches always worried when Hernandez returned home to Bristol, Conn., according to Sports Illustrated.
"There were always people that were trying to surround themselves with him that weren't in his best interest and they were around him," one former coach said. "For him, it's like anything else. He's a good-hearted kid who had a hard time saying no."

---That's the most recent updates I could find. average about 10 hours ago. If I was to guess, I'd say it dropped off of the radar cause Hernandez is opening up. One day they will identify the other two and say Hernandez had nothing to do with it. That's just a guess though.

well Hernandez was arrested this morning, they didnt let him turn himself in like they usuallu do, they actuallu showed up in unmarked cars and made him do the perp walk in cuffs! lol
I don't get guys like these guys. All they have to do stay out of trouble and they have life made. What a dumbass
Well Hernandez was just charged with murder and denied bail as I watched it live on ESPN while the lawyers and prosecutors layed out the case in front of the judge.

My reaction while watching was anger , I surprised myself but I am pissed off to no end that a kid with such a bright future could piss it all away especially considering he has an infant child. I don't know man , I'm just saddened by it to be honest!!
Well Hernandez was just charged with murder and denied bail as I watched it live on ESPN while the lawyers and prosecutors layed out the case in front of the judge.

My reaction while watching was anger , I surprised myself but I am pissed off to no end that a kid with such a bright future could piss it all away especially considering he has an infant child. I don't know man , I'm just saddened by it to be honest!!

I second this, always wonder how with that sort of fame, fortune, and talent, these guys can't keep their crap together. I was born into a very bad home life, I left when i was 13. I take nothing for granted so these guys straight sicken me too... He will see after a night or two in jail what he had and possibly earn a new respect on life and what he has.