aas induced acne

well its been about ten days and acne cleared up just had some pimples so i started rubbing alcohol on the pimples and eveything is clearing up nice.. going to buy more shampoo and rubbing alcohol wipes. thanks,bumps to all how responded.
I started to get some acne on shoulders and back. Ive been using nizoral for 3 days now, and misting my body after shower, with deodorant stone spray. It doesnt seem to be doing much. Im going to purchase B-5 today. Hopefully it helps out! Do you usually have acne through your whole cycle, or just part of it? Im on my 4th week of just sustanon @ 675/wk.
i was taking dec test enanthate and d-bol i didnt get acne tell about week 8 but this was my first cycle. i also used nizoral it helped with the acne but still had pimples . so i tried alcohol swabs it started to dry out alot its almost all cleared up now...
Flav said:
I havent got the B-5 yet. But I did pick up the shampoo earlier today.
The B-5 Im seeing range from $70 to $5. I'll pick some up...
Im a bit worried about possible acne on my face from a soon to be cycle and was hoping this could be my solution

About 8 or so weeks later...

Ive been using the shampoo and the B-5... there no doubt in mind this works. My acne has been completely cut out... skin is as smooth as its ever been.

I had a single zit on my face about 4 weeks ago... usually it would take a good week for the healing process... but it was gone within 48 hours :wave: