oh god, this is horrible... i used to chat with him a few years back but haven't recently... i haven't heard the fulll story but my condolensces to his fam/friends...
I didnt want to believe this when I first read it. I am kinda shocked by this news. I pray for him his family and friends. Geared helped me out alot when I first came around. He was the one who told me to come to this board. He will be missed greatly on the boards. I also had my bouts with alchohol and drugs. It is a sad day for all of us on the boards. God bless you gearedup.
That is terrible. I have had some problems so I have not been on the boards in almost a year. I decided to get on MC today and see if there were still some of the same people around and this is the first thing I read. Gearedup and Presser were the first ones I remember talking to and helping me out when I first started. I hate to hear this news. It gave me chills when I saw it. RIP Geareup.
For the bros and gals who are still playing with rec drugs plz stop. We do not need to lose anymore good people. I am sad to hear another good man went down.

Peace to his g/r and friends

Wow...I haven't been around for a few months, I am very sad to see a good bro was lost as one of the first things I read.
Damn... That sucks.... He helped me out too. It is suprising to see he od'd on that. My bro has Rhum. Arthritis and he was up to 180mg of oxycontin per day. He finanlly quit taking it but he was taking it for 2 years. I wonder how long he was taking that and how much he was taking. That is too sad..