About our Female Forum: Please Read


MuscleChemistry Member
Hi guys!

As you know, the female forum is password protected to ensure the peace of mind of our female members. The forum is growing and expanding and is currently one of the most informative discussion forums available to the online female community, with a variety of topics ranging from everyday life, to advanced use of athletic supplements.

I have been receiving PMs from our male members stating that their significant other uses their account and would like access to the female forum. I will not be giving out the password under these circumstances but will be more than happy to grant your ladies access only if they register under a separate user name and PM me themselves.

I hope you all know this is in the best interest of our community. Thank you much for your understanding.

I think this is the best course of action.
I understand the sig other use, but its would be to hard to explain & keep the confidence that the female counterpart and not the male counterpart was looking and replying. Who would really know?
Plus it helps us get more women to join rather than lurk around in the shadows under their significant other's handle.

Bump for you. There are few females around at this time. Please stick around
as we like (and could use) your point of view. Being mostly males we get right to
the point and dont pull any punches. If this is your lifestyle then there is a wealth
of experience here you can pull from and we could definitly use your input as we
sometimes train or work out with women. How long you been working out ect.
I am one of the inhouse "old guys". Welcome
I think it is a great idea to have a female only forum. Will make the women feel more at ease without having testosterone raging males hitting on them. LOL. But, seriously, it is a great idea. Trying to get my wife to join.