Absolute best legal fat loss stack possible


New member
I'm going to do a really intense cut for 4 weeks prior to halloween because 1) I'm going to a bunch of halloween parties with my gf and want to be super shredded and 2) bc I want to be lean so I have some wiggle room for the winter months. Let's just be honest nobody eats clean in December. It's just not going to happen.

So I'm not asking about gear or prohormones but fat burners. I know ECA and yohimbine hcl will definetly be in there. But what else should I add? If so what dosages, duration ect? I don't want anything at all that could have a negative impact on my libido - no point in looking shredded for halloween if my dick is broken.

Also, I've never done any fat loss supps other than ECA and yohimbine and I've never even stacked those together. I've never tried clen, t3 ect - bc both of which kinda scare me. I don't want to mess up my heart or thyroid from either of those.
There is a preworkout sup that I take called enhanced. I looked at the bottle and thats all it says. I have never taken anything that kills my appetite like this stuff. It also reminds me of the old vpx freeze and burn. I sweat but I also feel like I have the chills to some extent. I always struggle eating crap but I take this stuff in the morning and I can honestly say it has helped me drop some fat because I have to make myself eat instead of just tweaking for carbs. I can send you a pic if you are interested or don't know what Im talking about. I know its not eca or yohimbe but it really does control appetite.
Damn Cobra you look shredded enough brother. Only thing I have seen real results from would be like you said an ECA stack and I used to love twin labs ripped fuel when it had the good shit in it but doesn't anymore.
I have had significant success using Detonate, OxyElite Pro and reducing carbs 80% with sprints in the am on empty stomach...
I'm going to do a really intense cut for 4 weeks prior to halloween because 1) I'm going to a bunch of halloween parties with my gf and want to be super shredded and 2) bc I want to be lean so I have some wiggle room for the winter months. Let's just be honest nobody eats clean in December. It's just not going to happen.

So I'm not asking about gear or prohormones but fat burners. I know ECA and yohimbine hcl will definetly be in there. But what else should I add? If so what dosages, duration ect? I don't want anything at all that could have a negative impact on my libido - no point in looking shredded for halloween if my dick is broken.

Also, I've never done any fat loss supps other than ECA and yohimbine and I've never even stacked those together. I've never tried clen, t3 ect - bc both of which kinda scare me. I don't want to mess up my heart or thyroid from either of those.

Have you done igf before or would you? That will help certainly and if you've never done clen and t3 then your missing out on some serious shredding effects!
Have you done igf before or would you? That will help certainly and if you've never done clen and t3 then your missing out on some serious shredding effects!

Am I worried about clen and t3 too much? I haven't researched them extensively, but I definitely don't want to mess up my thyroid.

I'm thinking about a 3-4 week cycle of the fat burners bc in that time frame I should be almost stage lean minus water LOL even though I'm powerlifting right now ha!

Yea love igf! I forgot about it! Ok so that's added in now. So we got igf, ECA pre training, and yohimbine hcl in the am with starved cardio. What about the cyber supps products? I've heard good things about those, but I can't tell if they are legit or if its people just pimping the products (no offense).
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Damn Cobra you look shredded enough brother. Only thing I have seen real results from would be like you said an ECA stack and I used to love twin labs ripped fuel when it had the good shit in it but doesn't anymore.

Yeah all the good fat burners are gone.

And thanks for the complement! I have a six pack right now, but I want veins running all over my abs by halloween LOL.
Am I worried about clen and t3 too much? I haven't researched them extensively, but I definitely don't want to mess up my thyroid.

I'm thinking about a 3-4 week cycle of the fat burners bc in that time frame I should be almost stage lean minus water LOL even though I'm powerlifting right now ha!

Yea love igf! I forgot about it! Ok so that's added in now. So we got igf, ECA pre training, and yohimbine hcl in the am with starved cardio. What about the cyber supps products? I've heard good things about those, but I can't tell if they are legit or if its people just pimping the products (no offense).

Lol nah there legit bro and no offense taken here as I don't have anything to do with them lol but as long as they still got their shit together then yeah there good and I've not heard anything bad.
Lol nah there legit bro and no offense taken here as I don't have anything to do with them lol but as long as they still got their shit together then yeah there good and I've not heard anything bad.

What would you recommend for a proposed clen/t3 cycle for 3-4 weeks?

And how dramatic would my results be?
What would you recommend for a proposed clen/t3 cycle for 3-4 weeks?

And how dramatic would my results be?

Just make sure you ramp up and back down with t3 otherwise it'll fuckup ur thyroid for good possibly. But if done right and ramp both up for 3 weeks and ramp down for 3 weeks then yeah expect to be crazy shredded , a lot of guys will suggest longer but your already lean as fuck so ...
And if you have igf I highly suggest using it during the t3 and clen to keep full cause they will deplete ya pretty goid
with the igf and that amount of time you will be good to go and lower carbs
I was diagnosed back when I was 26 with Hashimotos thyroid disorder. I was having anxiety issues and after a full metabolic panel we discovered my thyroid was way off. I currently take 175 mg of synthroid. I don't know if you have anxiety at all but when you get on t3 Id do like presser said and go in slowly and taper. I know that t3 can give you anxiety issues because of a revved metabolism. Just don't want you mixing that with clen and not knowing what to expect. They upped my thyroid too much one time and I felt hyper stimulated constantly. Sounds even made me edgy. Just be safe. Having a sucky thyroid is not fun and I have to kill myself doing cardio to keep from getting overweight.
I can def bump the MC IGF for the vascularity effects. Its better than Equpoise which I thought was the best for that. The IGF brought out snakes in my shoulders. Make sure you use it for no more than 3-40 days then take a break> My body gets used to it after that. If you cycle appropriate, the IGF becomes a staple. I have tried about 3 other companies and Press has the best hands down.
Hands down

Syntheselyn and Synthitine! I bought some for my prep and it fucking works golden! I was told you have to stack it with the two to really work and man it works good!
Hands down

Syntheselyn and Synthitine! I bought some for my prep and it fucking works golden! I was told you have to stack it with the two to really work and man it works good!

Can you explain what those are?

- - - Updated - - -

Hows the cutting going? What did you go with?

Thanks for asking. I haven't started doing the serious calorie cut yet, but when I do very clean food, a little cardio, yohimbine hcl, ECA stack, and was looking into a couple other things. I haven't decided exactly what I want to use or if I'll just be going with the basics.
Can you explain what those are?

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for asking. I haven't started doing the serious calorie cut yet, but when I do very clean food, a little cardio, yohimbine hcl, ECA stack, and was looking into a couple other things. I haven't decided exactly what I want to use or if I'll just be going with the basics.

Synthtek (the synthol maker)

Syntheselyn is the human version of Kynoselen and Stynthitine is the sterile version (for injection) for L-carnatine