Badgermoon said:
C'mon LA, fess up you decrepit old man! :laugh:

I'm 51
hovering around 242
bf %... not sure but bullshit is in the 75% range :D
You're just going to have to drive down 94 and find out. Heard there is a good gym in Kenosha and I know there is one in Waukegan.
Chemical Evolution said:
soon to be 27;)


Is your conversion to feet/inches correct?
I saw you say you were 180cm... That's 70.9 inches, or 5 foot ~11 inches
I'm 79 years young and I'm still at it strong. I've been on a prop/fina cycle for the last 7 years. I've had to increase the doseage here and there. I'm up to three grams of test a week and about 2 grams of fina a week. I know this was not what you had in mind when you posted this question but I wanted to insure the older gents such as Badger and LA that there is somewhere to still look up. Though my doctor says I've got weeks to live, I still live a full life. I drink 2 1/5's of Jack Daniels a day and smoke three packs of Newports. I'm having the best time of my life. Except for the constant headaches. Does anyone know what will ease the headaches?