ALA and ketosis

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I have heard that ala can help speed you into ketosis...does anyone know how this is achieved?
I got this from where I get my ala..Dunno if this will help you are not..I couldnt find any more literature on it..

Alpha-lipoic acid (also called lipoic acid or thioctic acid) is a sulfur-containing substance that is readily converted to and from its reduced form, dihydrolipoic acid. It acts as a coenzyme in reactions that occur in the Krebs cycle; specifically it is involved in the decarboxylation of pyruvate and some other alpha-keto acids. It may well be the perfect antioxidant. It has also shown great promise in the treatment of HIV and in diabetes.
Why Should I Supplement with Alpha-Lipoic Acid?
Your body does in fact manufacture Alpha-Lipoic Acid, but supplementing it provides benefits beyond its involvement in carbohydrate metabolism. For starters, Alpha-Lipoic Acid is able to deactivate both fat and water soluble free radicals and thereby protect both lipoproteins and membranes; no other anti-oxidant can do this. Take a look at this list of reactive oxygen species (ROS) ("ROS" is an umbrella term that includes both radicals and other chemicals that, while not technically radicals, are damaging to the body):
Hydrogen atom
ALA is an insulin mimicker. Insulin is an excelent drug to use to force ketosis. If you took 3-4 times the normal amount of ALA on your carb up day, all by say 1-2pm, by the following after noon you should be well into ketosis. By the second day you should be far into ketosis, and the smell of ammonia in your sweat should be extremely noticable. I haven't used ALA, but I have used insulin, and it works extremely well. later
Say I was going to be doing carb up on Saturday and Sunday....would I take the ala on both days or just on the sunday..also would cutting the carbs after 6pm on the sunday have any negative affects i.e hypoglycemia?
I would use it saturday night and sunday morning for a 2 day carb up. I have never heard of anyone becoming hypoglicemic from ALA. Besides you will be taking in plenty of carbs anyway. Stopping carb intake at 5 or 6 should be fine. Later
ALA is the shit!!! Dieting or otherwise. But it makes your piss smell horrid. I can definitly tell a difference when I use around 600-1000mg a day.
I've never heard of anyone becoming hypoglycemic when taking ALA for the purposes of ketosis. However, it is known as a rare side effect for some people with diabetes who take alpha lipoic acid. So you might want to do a little more research to be sure. And yea, ALA is definitely known to keep you in ketosis and put you into it. I personally have never used it for that purpose, so don't know much about the dose. I have just taken it in the past for some of its other benefits.
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alpha lipoic acid

Are there some members here these days using alpha lipoic acid supplements? How long is it supposed to be taken for, max (in general..)?