all oral cycle suggestions

I wouldn't expect much. You better keep on eye on your health. It sounds dangerous running 3 different toxic substances at the same time at fairly high doses. It sounds like bad side effects just waiting to happen. you never know when your card is up regarding health problems. I would be careful and would only expect to keep just some of the gains that you make. I'm not trying to be a dick but it sounds like you may need to just lay off the stuff for awhile. Do you play pro ball or something? Because honestly my health would be more important to me for just an adult league. You shouldn't have that much scar tissue if you rotate sites regularly and use with caution.
BiggerStronger said:
You shouldn't have that much scar tissue if you rotate sites regularly and use with caution.

One would think eh? I couldn't quite get passed that one myself
guys im no newbie to this shit, I know that running alot of orals are supposed to be hard on the body and toxic and all that. Im been using for right at 10 yrs now and have done alot of trail and error and have learned alot. Never been off longer than 3 months since my first cycle. If i posted some of the cycles that I have done it would blow some of you away. And if they are so toxic to the liver and kidneys where is all the evidence at?, the surgeys, transplants? All you see is what you read in the steroid profiles.

I didnt post this to see if it was a bad idea and get coached by guys from what i see in the pics fourm are no where near my status. I was just wanting to see what others have done as all oral cycles.
nuknuk said:
guys im no newbie to this shit, I know that running alot of orals are supposed to be hard on the body and toxic and all that. Im been using for right at 10 yrs now and have done alot of trail and error and have learned alot. Never been off longer than 3 months since my first cycle. If i posted some of the cycles that I have done it would blow some of you away. And if they are so toxic to the liver and kidneys where is all the evidence at?, the surgeys, transplants? All you see is what you read in the steroid profiles.

I didnt post this to see if it was a bad idea and get coached by guys from what i see in the pics fourm are no where near my status. I was just wanting to see what others have done as all oral cycles.

In the end you are going to do what you want.
I believe I am older than you are by a lot and I have been using for almost 20 years now and I can tell you ,hard headed or not toxicity is an issue. My dosages are probably a lot more aggressive than yours. I am hard headed like you but I beginning to have problems(some pretty bad) now from years of heavy use. This is not anecdotal but real life. You may not be able to see the light now, but when they want to cut you open to remove your insides or remove a kidney, you stand back and reflect and make changes. So again, so what you want but the stuff you talk about does happen.
nuknuk said:
guys im no newbie to this shit, I know that running alot of orals are supposed to be hard on the body and toxic and all that. Im been using for right at 10 yrs now and have done alot of trail and error and have learned alot. Never been off longer than 3 months since my first cycle. If i posted some of the cycles that I have done it would blow some of you away. And if they are so toxic to the liver and kidneys where is all the evidence at?, the surgeys, transplants? All you see is what you read in the steroid profiles.

I didnt post this to see if it was a bad idea and get coached by guys from what i see in the pics fourm are no where near my status. I was just wanting to see what others have done as all oral cycles.
i dont think anybody really wants to get into a pissing match here. I simply said i wouldnt do it to each his own which is exactly what i meant i wouldnt do it but have fun and hopefully it turns out good. I also said 100mg's of winny just questioning your reasoning behind that, not coaching you nor was anybody else. Ive ran winny at 100 and 75 and 50 i liked 50 the best personally because i get the same results with less joint pain. I think you need to take a step back and realize we were all just trying to help out a fellow guy that shares the same interest as us. We see so many people come in here with horrible ideas that dont know what they are doing etc. Its hard to know peoples past cycles experience etc. Next time say ive been doing this for 10 years, theres nobody on this forum near my status and blah blah blah im sure most of us wont say much in your thread then :wave:
no harm done. I will keep a log on here and let yall know how it goes. Plan of doing it in about a month.
Didn't mean to offend with my comments bro. Using for ten years straight WILL cause issues gauranteed. I know I'm probably no wherer near your status, (lol) but what I lack in muscle I have a large brain and also a lot of real world experience with everything that was mentioned. No one is attacking you we are just saying that this cycle isn't very safe and to say there hasn't been any reports of toxicity is completely wrong. I've heard of people getting liver tumors from oral steroid use, hardening of the liver, cirhoisis, and other issues. We are just here to inform you and help you out. Wish you the best in your endevours and please keep a log of your results. I would be interested in knowing.

I ran an all oral cycle in my early days and gains were not worth the time or money. Maybe 3lbs or less. Lots of water retention and other side effevts. Not to mention I felt the toxic effects from running them all together. D-bol, winny, and proviron.Hope you don't take my posts in the wrong way. Good luck!