Allergy or aromatization?


New member
Background story:

So last year I ran a small bulker cycle of Test-E and Deca.
About the 6th or 7th week, i noticed some red dots that itched like crazy on certain parts of my body (back of the neck, armpits and opposite side of the elbow)



Long story short, these lil dots were pretty much taking over my entire body during my cycle. It got to a point where I stopped the cycle and a few weeks later these red dots were all gone...

Now, i never came to the conclusion of what these were. Possible allergic reaction? a result of aromatization? I wasnt running any PCT throughout the cycle.

What I remember is getting a very tingly feeling every now and then throughout my body... they were very sharp and tingly and last about half a second.

fast forward to today, im on my 2nd week of Test-P and Tren Ace cutter cycle and am getting the same tingly feeling again... although no red dots (not yet anyway).

I dont believe in allergic to anything but the memory of whatever caused that scratching is scaring me thinking its gona come back again.

I do have nolva on hand and am open to suggestions.

that's odd bro and you're using different compounds this time around. Is there anything else that you're doing this cycle that is exactly the same as last time? What brands gear did you use last time and what are you using now?
same brand of gear...

last time was Test-E and Deca
this time is Test-Prop and Tren

I think it may be the test and some sorta aromatization?
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Judging from the size of the dots, it looks to me like it is either related to acne, or it is an allergic reaction. You have two methods to try: 1) Wipe down with rubbing alcohol every morning and night to see if they improve. If they don't go away, then it is an allergic reaction. or 2) You could take benadryl to see if they go away. If they do, then it was an allergic reaction. If they don't go away, then it is acne related.
you might be able to go to a dermatologist and get a cream, my wife had very similiar dots all over from a lotion she was using and even after stopping they wouldn't go away. The doc gave her a cream she used twice a day for a week and they cleared right up...
Im not sure what caused it - maybe allergic, maybe the Test...

Im not even sure if its coming back yet, I just got that weird tingly feeling which I havent got since my last cycle breakout

either way, im wiping myself with alcohol and using benadryl
it looks like dermititis which is just a rash and could be caused by anything so the dermatologist won't know you're "on"
i get them too, but not that bad. its more obvious as Im light skinned and red stands out on pastey white very easily.

I dont get them bad, but I think its just acne. it doesnt hit until later in my cycles but i believe its acne.