Alternative to alcohol

I had a friend bring back many bottles of absinthe from eastern europe. I drank alot of it too, didnt see shit but got you really fucking drunk. Absinthe did make you see things back in the day but was banned because it made some french dude kill his family. It was banned in parts of europe for a little while but brought back when the wormwood concentration was lowered significantly. I did some research when i drank it, was worried about halucinating.
Got a friend who son abused DXM...17 years old, did it for quite some time.....pretty much fried his brain pretty good, and spent 3 months in a mental intsitution..and by fried his brain I mean literally created lesions on the brain.The Dr. said he would of been better off using LSD, or mushrooms.He got to a point where he thought he could read peoples minds, and talked to aliens...not to mention his pysic abilities to move and create things to happen.This was all after he stopped taking the drug, he has been on medication through out the last year and a half and basically his life is totally ruined to the point he might never be able to be on his own without some sort of gardian.
Nasty stuff....not preaching, just some first hand info...

wow bro, thats a shame. I feel for his family, I mean its going to be real tough to keep an eye on him for the rest of his natural born life,. Very sad! and thanks for sharing, alot of guys and gals could use a real wake up call now and again ya know
I've got a gallon of absinthe, for research purposes, of course. But I'm too chicken shit to try it. I've tried every drug there is. OD'd from coke and almost died, etc. But there's something with the absinthe, could be that I'm married and much more mature nowadays, but anyway... GBL is always good.
yeah watch out for that stuff. i used to take that stuff when i was a teen. they use that stuff in lacing ecstacy. bad stuff.
I don't think there is any alternative to booze. And everyone knows that you gain a solid 30 lbs. of muscle when drinking. Unfortunately when you sober up, you dont keep any of your gains.

Try this split!
Fri - Jack Daniels
Sat - Jack Daniels
Sun - Off, unless football, Bud Light
Mon - Off
Tues - Off
Wed - Off
Thurs - Off
PJT said:
I don't think there is any alternative to booze. And everyone knows that you gain a solid 30 lbs. of muscle when drinking. Unfortunately when you sober up, you dont keep any of your gains.

Try this split!
Fri - Jack Daniels
Sat - Jack Daniels
Sun - Off, unless football, Bud Light
Mon - Off
Tues - Off
Wed - Off
Thurs - Off

What about Monday Night Football??
I love drinking, but I really try to limit it to just weekends. Makes it tough too when all of your friends pretty much drink every night and start around noon on weekends.

So in other words...yeah, get bombed during Monday Night Football as well. Unless it's a game not worth watching. Come to think of any game that doesn't involve the Patriots worth watching?
PJT said:
I love drinking, but I really try to limit it to just weekends. Makes it tough too when all of your friends pretty much drink every night and start around noon on weekends.

So in other words...yeah, get bombed during Monday Night Football as well. Unless it's a game not worth watching. Come to think of any game that doesn't involve the Patriots worth watching?

There is an article in the new MD mag that has some studies that show test actually protects the liver while on from alchohol..go figure...
As for those Pats...whatch out, Garcia and winslow are going to take the browns all the way this year....and then monkeys will fly outta my wonder I need a drink when watching football..
Test protects the liver huh? I've never heard that, but good to know if it is true. I've never used AS, but when I do, I don't plan to drink at all. I'll have to get a weekend job or something to keep me away from going out. Maybe i'll just pick up Madden 2005, that kept me in last year for a good 3 months.

LOL...what was Cleveland last year 6 - 10? I didn't even realize that the Browns picked up Garcia. Doesn't he date that playboy playmate? He's ok in my book. How's their D looking this year? And I wouldn't count them out of a wildcard spot...they got a pretty weak division with the Steelers who seem to be getting worse every year, and the Bengals who's whole team revolved around Cory Dillon. Where'd he go anyways? LOL