American Airlines sucks!


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I will never give them a single penny of my money again. I bought tickets to fly home and bury my father who passed away 2 weeks ago. (That's another story as to why it took so long) Anyways I but these tickets, $300 to go from Orlando to PA then to Cleveland. We board the plane in Orlando, back out to the taxi way, then they stop and say that there's no room for us in pa. So we sit there for an hour and a half on the taxi way. Then we finally depart. Upon landing in Philly, found out they canceled my flight to Cleveland. So I go across the whole airport to "customer service", and the lady says sorry, we canceled the flight due to weather. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! There's no rain along the whole flight path. So I explained to her that I need to be in Cleveland by 0900 for my father's funeral. She said that stinks. She said she can give me a voucher fir a discount at a hotel in Philly. I said I don't want to stay in Philly, I want to get home! So she plays on the computer for 10 minutes and says, I can get you on a flight tonight... but it's a 3 step flight. You will leave Philly, goto Raleigh Durham, layover there for 5 hours, then fly to Chicago, then fly to Cleveland, getting into Hopkins at 0930. I said that will be great, I'll be a half hour late for my dad's funeral. She said only other option she can do, is put me on a direct flight that doesn't depart Philly until 1100, getting me into Cleveland at 1300. I asked her if she understood the concept of time and what 9am means. Then I asked how they are going to compensate me for the fact that they have totally screwed me over. She said we're not. Be happy in getting you there. I about lost my shit. Everyone in the line of about 50 people agreed with me. They were all in line because American Airlines screwed them over too.
Now I'm sitting in North Carolina, waiting until 0500 to goto Chicago, to go back to Cleveland. No places open for food or drink. It's about 60 degrees in here. And I'm pissed!
Now I will be dealing with family and my dad's stuff after getting about an hour worth of sleep and no food all day/night. I'm ready to break shit now.

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Thanks brutha, I'm trying. Just now getting on a plane in Chicago. I'll finally make it home 12 hours late and an extra 1500 miles traveled.

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Once I get home eat and shower, it will be much better. I haven't eaten anything since 1400 yesterday. I'm a hangry guy right now.

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tell the flight attendant you have a bomb on board, and need a direct flight! Maybe tell the pilot to do 2 super low fly overs at the funeral with the plane like they do at football games, lol, sorry , just trying to add some levity to the situation, hope it wasnt too crass considering the circumstances, or parachute out like dbsweeney did, and scream you all have 2 miinutes before you jump out , lol
tell the flight attendant you have a bomb on board, and need a direct flight! Maybe tell the pilot to do 2 super low fly overs at the funeral with the plane like they do at football games, lol, sorry , just trying to add some levity to the situation, hope it wasnt too crass considering the circumstances, or parachute out like dbsweeney did, and scream you all have 2 miinutes before you jump out , lol

Don't do this! Bro I'm so sorry... that's horrible. People are so inconsiderate... if it doesn't directly affect them they don't care... it's a very sad statement as to the mentality of our society...
I'm sorry Bro
Don't do this! Bro I'm so sorry... that's horrible. People are so inconsiderate... if it doesn't directly affect them they don't care... it's a very sad statement as to the mentality of our society...
I'm sorry Bro

Oh boy, two facts here, first being the fact that you know leatherhead personally, i do not, and 2nd is the fact that you had to seriously tell him NOT to do what i suggested as a joke mind you, lol, Tells me one things!! Leatherhead is crazier than i thought lmao
and incase you didnt hear this morning on national news, a major airline landed at the wrong fucking airport runway last night ten miles from its original destination, yes accidently landed at wrong airport lmao, and it caused a bunch of bullshit delays everywhere, not sure if that where your issue started Leatherhead with ur flight, but theyre landing passenger jets and airbuses at the wrong airports these days, how sad
ive only flown twice, im like Mr T when it comes the flying, you better knock me the fuck out lol, it literally scares me to death, i mean like hysteria type shit
and incase you didnt hear this morning on national news, a major airline landed at the wrong fucking airport runway last night ten miles from its original destination, yes accidently landed at wrong airport lmao, and it caused a bunch of bullshit delays everywhere, not sure if that where your issue started Leatherhead with ur flight, but theyre landing passenger jets and airbuses at the wrong airports these days, how sad
It was in S Dakota, near Rapid City, if I heard right. I remember many yrs ago a Continental Air jet land in Corpus Christi, but not the international airport, at the Naval Air Station by mistake, then it was a late night comedian, maybe Letterman, had a wheel of fortune on his show and said Name where Continental Air will land next and he spun the wheel, was funny

Leatherhead sorry for the fukin drama, hard enough when a parent dies let alone go thru the bungling antics of an airline that obviosly doesnt give a rats ass except abt themselves. Hope it all turned out as well as can expected
ive only flown twice, im like Mr T when it comes the flying, you better knock me the fuck out lol, it literally scares me to death, i mean like hysteria type shit
I love taking off but I don't care for landings. I'd rather jump out way above the earth. Out of the 400 times I've flown, I've only landed while inside the airplane about 100.

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I finally made it, with enough time to eat, shower, get dressed, and haul ass to the ceremony. Monday will be the hard day when we lay his ashes in their final resting place at the Ritman military cemetery. The 21 gun salute and Taps being played is going to wreck me.

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Tough story man, I hope thngs get better for you. Losing a dad is a one of a kind of loss.
Thanks man. I'm going to keep pushing forward, because that's what I do. Things will eventually work out the way I want.

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I finally made it, with enough time to eat, shower, get dressed, and haul ass to the ceremony. Monday will be the hard day when we lay his ashes in their final resting place at the Ritman military cemetery. The 21 gun salute and Taps being played is going to wreck me.

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It got me at my dad's ceremony too. My thoughts are with you.