Anabolic Discussion Game?

hate scammers (never found one until now but.... )
fear of getting bad gear (dont want to inject some shit in my body)
comming off (its all in my mind, because being on fells great:D )
I hate that when I was ready I got burned by a so called good bro at FB for over $600.00

I hate that I had to wait 2 years later to start cause I was scammed and it left a bad taste in my mouth

I hate all the looks I get in the gym from the guys who are small as shit cause they don't know what they are doing in there anyway much less know how to use roids

I hate waiting for my stuff and writeing my source to say hey wheres my shit only to get it in the afternoon mail !

I hate all those fucking pimples ! damn it !

comming off is a bitch for me too !

I hate my friend bitching at me cause the nolvadex in not here yet ! like it is my fault !@