Anal ever have it???

Ill second the baby wipes... Nice when you have that unclean feeling after some nasty gas too....
alright bro.....

I'm gonna be the only guy to step to the plate here bro......I'm not gonna call it LEAKAGE but I will say that at intermittent times, yes.......weird as it may sound there at times at work that I will "go to my office in the morning" and like two hours later, after I know that I have wiped my ass so dry it's damn near bleeding, two hours later I'll get to feeling like my ass is sweatin and I'll hit the shitter and it aint pooey, but more like dingy sweaty poo stain.....never in the shorts or anything and not every day but occassionally......f*cking weird.....but there you you aint alone.....I guarentee you aint the only one .....just the only one f*cked up enough to say it > Peace bro!
on the other hand brother.....

didn't you start a post asking if anyone ever "crapped themselves"????? I think you may be pooapheliac Bro!!!!