Anavar at end of cycle opinions


New member
What's everyone's take on adding anavar at the end of a test-e deca cycle before nolva? Basically would it cut and get rid of retained water, harden etc.? How much would be advise to administer if any at all or just leave it out?
Well it depends AZ_VA86,

Have you done it before? 40-60 mg a day would harden you up nice. If it's your first time that's all you need.

Are you trying to get the most out of the anavar? ..or are you just trying to harden up.

You could use anavar anytime you'd like.

Make sure your cycle is meant for lean if you want lean. I liked your cycle before.

Good luck
Good advice testquest, clean diet does wonders. I d always taken 75mg var or 100mg it really comes alive. Your strength will increase and hardness.

You can run the var with nalvodex together. Add letrozole as well and you will get hard as nails. Just keep some cialis and pt-141 on hand to fix the ED problem letro will cause you.
This question has no real definitive answer..Because goals and fitness level in the users will vary to the next...
My suggestion would be to utilize it during the end of a cycle..The beginning of a cycle you want to blast the androgen receptors and utilize something that has a higher affinity to bind such as drol/dbol..But in this cause I would suggest Tbol,if your seeking cleaner and more quality gains...Plus you want to stimulate a higher IGF-I production from the liver..Anavar fails to achieve this effect,but it will primarily work on the outside of the andro receptor and create a dramatic affect on the nitrogen retention (not nitrogen balance so dont be confused)...
Anavar has been tried and proven to yield better results towards the end of your cycle, when maturing the new developed muscle belly is desired..Plus var posses strong collagen synthesis, which is desired greatly at this time, when you need to keep your lifts up it also promotes greater creatine phosphate storage..This will help you push harder and have more torque in your lifts, when coming off a heavy andro..Lets not forget it wont aromitize, thus this is important due to recovery is around the corner and you went estro (e1/e2) to be low as possible....

I hope this helps!
So I've been doing more research as I have nothing better to do with my time bc of my shoulder injury I posted about in another thread. But anyway.....I was thinking something along these lines and please I'm always open to opinions and changes and people telling me it sounds dumb bc I am new to this soooo here we go

test-e 600mg wk 1-12 300mg mon. 300mg thurs.
var 60mg Ed wk 9-12
nolva 40mg Ed wk 13-14
nolva 20mg Ed wk 15-16

i feel like the var could be adjusted in certain ways so I could run it past the test weeks then start nolva and run into a 18 week cycle total. Or I old completely just not even do the var if by week 8 or 9 I like he test results so far by its self I just do away with the var then take nolva. If I go that route with no var would I wait a week or two before I start nolva?

Apologies if any of this sounds really ignorant. A few guys on here have been extremely helpful with PMing me good info. Just trying to make sense of it all and not a. Hurt myself and b. get great results that will last and be beneficial

Have you ever done a cycle before? Why not go 6 weeks with oxandrolone, you won't regret it.

600mg is a lot for your first cycle. I personally believe longer cycles are better. Especially for lean mass.

For example: If you run at 400mg you could go for 20 weeks rather than 12.. Run the Var weeks 19 - 25.
Think of this as a rough draft.
Do you have the time? 6 months of growth. - tsek0s said, Anavar will give clean quality gains after you "peak" with testosterone.
So I've been doing more research as I have nothing better to do with my time bc of my shoulder injury I posted about in another thread. But anyway.....I was thinking something along these lines and please I'm always open to opinions and changes and people telling me it sounds dumb bc I am new to this soooo here we go

test-e 600mg wk 1-12 300mg mon. 300mg thurs.
var 60mg Ed wk 9-12
nolva 40mg Ed wk 13-14
nolva 20mg Ed wk 15-16

i feel like the var could be adjusted in certain ways so I could run it past the test weeks then start nolva and run into a 18 week cycle total. Or I old completely just not even do the var if by week 8 or 9 I like he test results so far by its self I just do away with the var then take nolva. If I go that route with no var would I wait a week or two before I start nolva?

Apologies if any of this sounds really ignorant. A few guys on here have been extremely helpful with PMing me good info. Just trying to make sense of it all and not a. Hurt myself and b. get great results that will last and be beneficial

We all started some where and none of us know it all. You are right on track and i like your attitude questioning, willing to take suggestions instead of being a hard head know it all. This may sound weird but i can see were some of my injuries where blessings
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This question has no real definitive answer..Because goals and fitness level in the users will vary to the next...
My suggestion would be to utilize it during the end of a cycle..The beginning of a cycle you want to blast the androgen receptors and utilize something that has a higher affinity to bind such as drol/dbol..But in this cause I would suggest Tbol,if your seeking cleaner and more quality gains...Plus you want to stimulate a higher IGF-I production from the liver..Anavar fails to achieve this effect,but it will primarily work on the outside of the andro receptor and create a dramatic affect on the nitrogen retention (not nitrogen balance so dont be confused)...
Anavar has been tried and proven to yield better results towards the end of your cycle, when maturing the new developed muscle belly is desired..Plus var posses strong collagen synthesis, which is desired greatly at this time, when you need to keep your lifts up it also promotes greater creatine phosphate storage..This will help you push harder and have more torque in your lifts, when coming off a heavy andro..Lets not forget it wont aromitize, thus this is important due to recovery is around the corner and you went estro (e1/e2) to be low as possible....

I hope this helps!
You know your stuff

Glad to have you here at MC
Does that cycle make sense to you? Is there any adjusting that you do because from the advice I've gotten and from what I've researched and from the limited type of gear I can get it seems to be the best I could come up with to my knowledge (which is little). If you say it's a good one or you adjust I am probably going to stick with that and calculate the amounts I will need and go through with it when the time comes. Also is there anything I can add too that cycle that would not affect it at all that would just help healing with injuries that isn't IGF or related. You know just something almost harmless that doesn't gain muscle just helps with injuries and ligaments healing quicker. I know I'm kind of asking for a magic bean but I figured it was worth a shot. Also please excuse any typos. Apologies.

thanks again
1-12 test-e 600mg ....300mg mon. 300mg thurs.
1-8 or 7-14 var 60mg Ed (you can also go with it at 50mg the last 6-8 week but i would preffer to kickstart it)
15-18 nolva 40/20/20/20
15-18 clomid 150/100/50/50
HCG ( 11-12) 1500iu every monday-wensday-friday or 1-14 500iu/week (250iu monday-250iu thursdy)
1-14 adex 0.5 EOD or 12.5mg aromasin ED
Alright here we go try not to be to hard on me. I really like tsek0s cycle. So......
1-12 test-e 600mg ....300mg mon. 300mg thurs.
8-14 var 50mg ED
15-18 nolva 40/20/20/20
15-18 clomid 150/100/50/50
1-14 adex 0.5 EOD

im assuming the nolva and clomid is ED correct? Just took tsek0s blueprint and finalized it the way I thought I liked it. What do you guys think. Legit? And will the var running 2 weeks past the test won't take away from my test gains will it?
I dont see the need for nolva and clomid. Test E is long ester aso it takes longer to get high level and take longer to lower thats why some start PCT 2 weeks after
test e need 2 weeks to clear that why you stay off inj the week 13/14 and start the pct at week 15 ;)
Alright here we go try not to be to hard on me. I really like tsek0s cycle. So......
1-12 test-e 600mg ....300mg mon. 300mg thurs.
8-14 var 50mg ED
15-18 nolva 40/20/20/20
15-18 clomid 150/100/50/50
1-14 adex 0.5 EOD

im assuming the nolva and clomid is ED correct? Just took tsek0s blueprint and finalized it the way I thought I liked it. What do you guys think. Legit? And will the var running 2 weeks past the test won't take away from my test gains will it?

every day, yes its every day, cycle looks decent bro,
This probably a dumb question but since I. Running that amount of test I won't have any ED problems be ause of the anavar when that cycle is all said and done will I?

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