anavar tbol mix


I have heard so many people say they love this combo I'm gonna give it a go
Three tomes a day
20 mg of each two days in I will keep a pro or con log.but there is never any con's in aas just wimps and savages.lmao
My back always stiffens up in same excact location. I'm running 400 mg of test pp, 500 mg NPP a week, 20 mg tbol Ed, and 60 mg anavar Ed. First time running this and love it. Started with deca but I gives me terrible cramps (gas pains), so switched to NPP and it a lot more manageable.
I can't even be 5 days in and from mid back down in the center is all stiff.I can bairly tie my shoes.....
I'm running var and having no back pumps. In fact, the last 2 oral cycles I've done it haven't gotten any sides
I'm running var and having no back pumps. In fact, the last 2 oral cycles I've done it haven't gotten any sides
Man I have ran 100 mg of anadrol or even dbol and had mild back aches even the SD but the tbol anavar is pretty bad I ran tbol before no problem maybe its the var.
My last 2 cycles were dmz for 7 weeks and sd for 5. No bad sides at all with only udca for support
Yeah the SD just gave me head aches the first three days.I wanted to go 8 weeks but I said next long do u run SD
I was told 2 weeks on 1 off three times and it will give most results for the long run
How long are these back cramps going to last I'm gonna up my potassium and taurine double.

Get some taurine, 5 grams ed

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Yeah the SD just gave me head aches the first three days.I wanted to go 8 weeks but I said next long do u run SD
I was told 2 weeks on 1 off three times and it will give most results for the long run

Most are gonna tell ya 3-4weeks! Depending on dosage
20-30 mg is ideal!

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Yeah SD was the first pH I used but a lot of people say its a aas

Yes ,sd is a fully active steroid! One of the strongest ever.created!
My back stiffness usually starts about 2nd week and last to week 5 or 6 and goes away. It's not a constant thing, it will be stiff for few days, go away, and then come for a few days.
OK back pumps are gone and veins are ripe and thick another week and I should feel these painful pumps....