

New member
Hey guys I had a quick question for you. I am reading a lot of misleading information regarding anavar. Most are consistent as far as it being a very "safe" drug and does not yield many sides if any at all. However, i am reading some info that is saying its just as bad for your hair as Winstrol??

Can anyone that has experience with this drug chime in and share their thoughts/experiences?

I am trying to run a cycle that is hair loss free as possible.

Any suggustions?? I do have access to propecia, but not sure if this will actually prevent hair loss.

Thanks guys.
i was under the impression anavar is pretty safe for hairloss? i may be wrong. I know i love var because i dont have to worry about my tendons on it it actually helps strengthen tissue.
Yea i was under the impression as well. Basically i am looking to run something very small, i know its not the most optimal cycle and everyone is going to frown on it, but the key is i wanted it to be very mild, minimal sides and easist on hair.

and yes, i know var isnt going to give me some crazy gains.
var is one of the few things i wouldnt give you shit about running alone. If i had the money i would run a mild dose for 12 weeks i love it.
I have more var laying around.....
anywho , I'm gonna google this and see how it effects hair loss and dht.