

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So, I have been cutting some fat via diet since January I gained a bit of fat over the holidays and my goal is 12% I am around 16 😕

I am not using anything at all. But I have enough var to run 100mg for 8 weeks, but I am not sure if I should or if I should trade it for some more test and something else. I never ran var

I have Tren/test/masteron p not a blend either. I know the compounds well, but I am unsure what will suit my needs. The masteron, I have ran while higher bf than most recommend definitely makes you a sexual beast but fat loss from my experience wasnt too noticeable I was about 14-15% at the time.

I know Tren will do some work, but long runs are not for me when it comes to tren lmao. So, i was kinda thinking, run the test tren and var that way when I drop tren, around the 4 week mark (i know short) and let the var take over, I hear 100mg of var is "trenlike" i know it wont be as potent to say the least, but a valuable cutter by many peoples standards others seem to hate var and think it is worthless idk.

Anyway, my question is, should I use the var or should I trade it for some more test maybe some tbol and some clen t3 or something of equal value?
You should need any of that if your goal is 12 percent body fat . If your enhanced you should be able too maintain 10 percent easily . if your around 16 you need too work on your diet none of that is going too help if you eat shit constantly . Not trying too be a dick bro but you need too hear the truth . I'm around 10 percent in the off-season eating clean but slightly in a surplus and having 2 cheat meals a week on Deca EQ and some test and drol no cutting drugs . with goal of growing . at 16 percent diet needs too be looked at no drugs

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So, I have been cutting some fat via diet since January I gained a bit of fat over the holidays and my goal is 12% I am around 16 😕

I am not using anything at all. But I have enough var to run 100mg for 8 weeks, but I am not sure if I should or if I should trade it for some more test and something else. I never ran var

I have Tren/test/masteron p not a blend either. I know the compounds well, but I am unsure what will suit my needs. The masteron, I have ran while higher bf than most recommend definitely makes you a sexual beast but fat loss from my experience wasnt too noticeable I was about 14-15% at the time.

I know Tren will do some work, but long runs are not for me when it comes to tren lmao. So, i was kinda thinking, run the test tren and var that way when I drop tren, around the 4 week mark (i know short) and let the var take over, I hear 100mg of var is "trenlike" i know it wont be as potent to say the least, but a valuable cutter by many peoples standards others seem to hate var and think it is worthless idk.

Anyway, my question is, should I use the var or should I trade it for some more test maybe some tbol and some clen t3 or something of equal value?
I have a thread right now called "my cut"
I have tren a test prop and master prop
All separate a few vials of tren a
5 test p 6 mast p left.
I will go till June 10th cause I have trt bloods.
I was on a blast test deca mast e
I went to the cut 3 weeks ago
Test prop 50 mg everyday
Mast prop 150 mg everyday
Tren a bumped from 50 to 65 mg everyday
Proviron 50 mg everyday
Anavar was on around 40 mg a day liquid suspension switched to only
20 mg Balkan blister packs and wow!
Will cap some more raw var cause heart burn is too bad from the liquid! Ugh!!!

All I can say is my fat is dropping I went from around 12-13% to around 9-10% in 3 weeks!! I am 5'8-1/2" tall went from 196-187 no strength or muscle loss!

My evaluation is If u wanna drop fat leave test low put tren a higher put mast even higher var will be there for strength and muscle preservation I have proviron as an extra aid and also using no ai.
MC Nolva around 7 mg a day caber MC antiP at .3-.5 @2× a week!
I have an ai but don't need it!

When u stop aromatase or increase androgens with tren and mast the fat will come off if diet is decent and workouts are hard!
I also fast from 8:00 pm to protein only before workout at 5:00 Am then eat at 7 AFTER workout!

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So, I have been cutting some fat via diet since January I gained a bit of fat over the holidays and my goal is 12% I am around 16 😕

I am not using anything at all. But I have enough var to run 100mg for 8 weeks, but I am not sure if I should or if I should trade it for some more test and something else. I never ran var

I have Tren/test/masteron p not a blend either. I know the compounds well, but I am unsure what will suit my needs. The masteron, I have ran while higher bf than most recommend definitely makes you a sexual beast but fat loss from my experience wasnt too noticeable I was about 14-15% at the time.

I know Tren will do some work, but long runs are not for me when it comes to tren lmao. So, i was kinda thinking, run the test tren and var that way when I drop tren, around the 4 week mark (i know short) and let the var take over, I hear 100mg of var is "trenlike" i know it wont be as potent to say the least, but a valuable cutter by many peoples standards others seem to hate var and think it is worthless idk.

Anyway, my question is, should I use the var or should I trade it for some more test maybe some tbol and some clen t3 or something of equal value?
I normally do a lean bulk try to put some muscle and shoot to lose fat getting diet down and workouts with strength
Like with test eq is good then use tren a mast p test p with var last 6 weeks as a cut!
This is how I keep tren runs low!
Running tren at beginning make rest of cycle suck!!! Nothing compares and the difference is noticed!
Run lean bulk!
Then cut at end!
I had to use deca cause my blood cells get too high for eq!
Deca didn't put on water with mast e at 600 so deca 500 test e 750 I did that from jan 17th till 3-1/2 weeks ago then went to short ester cut!
I battled injuries the whole time on long esters till 6 weeks ago

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So, about var is it good or bad? So much mixed reviews well, same with tren only for side reasons not results ha.

Hell, I could do test Var and add tren towards the end with winny. I have a decent amount of test prop and some test cyp I also have an older bottle if ostarine somewhere lmao. I wanna lose as much as possible. I dont compete nor desire to be super shredded. My goal is really 9-10 lowest i have been is around 11-12 unless you count when I was 130 lbs running track and in hs then I would say below 10.

I am 5'5 188.8 and gonna be 30. My metabolism went from being godly to being lazy. Stress hormones and shit hit me, then from work last year the sheer amount I did, killed my diet and exercise that and injuries.
So, about var is it good or bad? So much mixed reviews well, same with tren only for side reasons not results ha.

Hell, I could do test Var and add tren towards the end with winny. I have a decent amount of test prop and some test cyp I also have an older bottle if ostarine somewhere lmao. I wanna lose as much as possible. I dont compete nor desire to be super shredded. My goal is really 9-10 lowest i have been is around 11-12 unless you count when I was 130 lbs running track and in hs then I would say below 10.

I am 5'5 188.8 and gonna be 30. My metabolism went from being godly to being lazy. Stress hormones and shit hit me, then from work last year the sheer amount I did, killed my diet and exercise that and injuries.
I am gonna be 41 brother!

Anavar if legit the strength gains alone are worth It!
That way it binds to receptors activate androgens but not androgenic and it's anabolic benifits help to burn off fat and preserve muscle!
If u looking to grow var isn't gonna impress u.
Tren used to not bother me at all. Now I leave the tren e alone. It creeps up on me and makes me aggressive and no high and my wife extorts the bad in me and I feel like a hostage stuck on enathate ester miserable!
The tren a I use but limit to 6 weeks.
This very time is like night and day because of having test lower!

About tren it's like this, some handle it like I used to.
And some of us that get resentments over the years in our life when we use tren they come back and it makes it that tren becomes to unbearable!
In my life if my wife wasn't the type to mouth off and use my anger against me I would still be alright!
So of think tren and how we handle it has a lot to do with our life our problems our relationships!
I have noticed on higher test my intolerance is much Lower with tren.
Right now with only 350 prop a week with tren a at 455 a wk it's much better and I have heard that mast helps too.

I believe it's the aromatase of estro from test makes anxiety and stress and gets pathway opened for progest from tren and that there is where problem can occur in those of us with situations that get under our skin!

Hope that help bro!

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I gained some fat this year too.
Stress yes! From work or work slow and I had a heat stroke last summer and it messed with my metabolism.
But I think my body temp is burning more now and I got a little pep back in step.
Just push through it get back where u wanna be, just push till u there

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To the OP, I wanna add more to help!
If u got your diet down make use of fasting period after supper workout in morning with only protein in tank!
This will force burn and it will make body use glucose much better! Liver got to do some conversion in order to lose fat!!!

As fat as roids, the ones u have that tightly bind will also bind to fat cells and estrogen receptor.
If most of fat is in Lower outer chest, midsection, and lower back it's estro feed tissues!
Using 10mg nolva on cycle been known to help in some wuth this! Starve by blocking!

Adding testosterone alone can do wonders but do not add another aromatase roid!
Masterone can do wonders at blocking aromatase and it tightly binds to androgen and estrogen receptors but only as androgen same as Tren!
Mast and tren will Lower estro in body for these reasons var too.
I like my liver more than i fear tren so I myself don't run var over 6 wks at 50-60 A day more often less!!!

I would need to know esters and I can make your stack with doses that work for me!

U need to have a metabolism shift if u already dieting and less circulating estro more androgens enough food and a fast period should so that!!!
I recommend u run testosterone pretty low and make use of rest.
I agree on mast though. It doesn't shine unless under 10% but if afforded it is great to stop aromatase and not have to use an ai! But alway have one on hand!
Mast also keeps water off and stops deca bloat for me!
Well, I cannot say my diet is on point, it is actually too low, my appetite is all screwed up, its the swing shift, some weeks j work morn others nights so i am not consistent at least I think that's the issue I'm not taking anything that would suppress my appetite I do have T3 and Clen but there's no way in hell I'm going to run them with steroids and I'm not a hundred percent positive I want to run them I just have them in case I don't t3 could be valuable asset if ran right but messing with the thyroid is iffy..

You're correct on where my fat is at 2 my arms are pretty lean right now they're always easy to get toned up the majority of my fat is lower chest have a little bit there I thought it was gyno but from what I read a lot of people would say it wouldn't be and then my lower abs are fatty that's where I can grab the majority of fat but I do have that's also where I don't want it to be..

I used to power lift I know a lot of my friends would love the strength gains if Mars is good as you claim for strength I just want the cut you know when you Google anavar and you see some of the people talking about it the ones who seem to love it or pretty ripped I was going to try a very mild cycle of test VAR and Primo but after getting a price quote on Primo I really can't afford that so I ended up getting trained instead and some winny. Lmao

Is there anything I can do to get myself to eat a little better it legitimately makes me sick to my stomach and unless I force feed myself and essentially throw it up and then feed myself again I'm not really sure what else to do other than just kind of intermediate fast
Well, I cannot say my diet is on point, it is actually too low, my appetite is all screwed up, its the swing shift, some weeks j work morn others nights so i am not consistent at least I think that's the issue I'm not taking anything that would suppress my appetite I do have T3 and Clen but there's no way in hell I'm going to run them with steroids and I'm not a hundred percent positive I want to run them I just have them in case I don't t3 could be valuable asset if ran right but messing with the thyroid is iffy..

You're correct on where my fat is at 2 my arms are pretty lean right now they're always easy to get toned up the majority of my fat is lower chest have a little bit there I thought it was gyno but from what I read a lot of people would say it wouldn't be and then my lower abs are fatty that's where I can grab the majority of fat but I do have that's also where I don't want it to be..

I used to power lift I know a lot of my friends would love the strength gains if Mars is good as you claim for strength I just want the cut you know when you Google anavar and you see some of the people talking about it the ones who seem to love it or pretty ripped I was going to try a very mild cycle of test VAR and Primo but after getting a price quote on Primo I really can't afford that so I ended up getting trained instead and some winny. Lmao

Is there anything I can do to get myself to eat a little better it legitimately makes me sick to my stomach and unless I force feed myself and essentially throw it up and then feed myself again I'm not really sure what else to do other than just kind of intermediate fast
I saying u not having an appetite right now?
In those times are especially when avar does shine and tren too.
Winni can be used in place of var it is a better hardener but causes joint and tendon pain as of avar makes better and stronger joint and tendons!
Winny is also a lot more toxic!
If u not having an appetite then add your anabolics and take advantage of this period!
Not a good time to bulk but u can lose some fat and put on lean muscle just get your protein in.
Eat smaller meals. I like homemade hamburgers!!!
Eating as often as u can in smaller portions!
If u not get enough food intake your body will shut your own metabolism and slow thyroid down. Starvation mode catabolic! But anabolics will make a shift but u gotta consume enough protein drink it if u have too.
Eq is good for appetite!
But steroids will allow u to preserve muscle while forcing fat loss meaning metabolism shuts down do u have to exert energy to force body to burn fat for fuel.
Not eating enough body is reluctant to use more than it needs to!

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Winny isnt an issue per se, I mean joints will be, already having some issues with my left knee so winny well... If I do it, I will use it as a finish maybe 2 weeks at 50mg ed or so. I have TUDCA on hand.
So, about var is it good or bad? So much mixed reviews well, same with tren only for side reasons not results ha.

Hell, I could do test Var and add tren towards the end with winny. I have a decent amount of test prop and some test cyp I also have an older bottle if ostarine somewhere lmao. I wanna lose as much as possible. I dont compete nor desire to be super shredded. My goal is really 9-10 lowest i have been is around 11-12 unless you count when I was 130 lbs running track and in hs then I would say below 10.

I am 5'5 188.8 and gonna be 30. My metabolism went from being godly to being lazy. Stress hormones and shit hit me, then from work last year the sheer amount I did, killed my diet and exercise that and injuries.

Var is awesome! Do not get rid of it. If you plan to do a cycle later on, keep it to run with the cycle since that's probably where you'll get the most synergy out of it, but if you want to run it on its own, you'll still get awesome results from it. I ran 80mg/day for 8 weeks, and I was very impressed at how well it worked. Strength was up, pumps were up, gained a little size even.
Var is awesome! Do not get rid of it. If you plan to do a cycle later on, keep it to run with the cycle since that's probably where you'll get the most synergy out of it, but if you want to run it on its own, you'll still get awesome results from it. I ran 80mg/day for 8 weeks, and I was very impressed at how well it worked. Strength was up, pumps were up, gained a little size even.

I've been sitting with a decent amount of gear for a little while now and I needed to start doing something because my mood and everything else I've been training natural for sometime I feel like I got a little bit more body fat than I want but I don't know I just really miss it I'm sure you guys on derstand that I started shooting test suspension I'm going to run it for a little while until I get tired of doing the shots I'm going to switch over to test propionate I'm going to cycle it in before I drop the suspension that we don't have to wait for that Esther to pick up I'm also going to incorporate far and I'm going to run Tren last do you think that I should stick at the hundred milligram mark and do I believe I got enough for about seven maybe eight weeks a hundred milligrams what do you think I should do a little less and if I do do a little less what do I do with the extra that I have left over
I've been sitting with a decent amount of gear for a little while now and I needed to start doing something because my mood and everything else I've been training natural for sometime I feel like I got a little bit more body fat than I want but I don't know I just really miss it I'm sure you guys on derstand that I started shooting test suspension I'm going to run it for a little while until I get tired of doing the shots I'm going to switch over to test propionate I'm going to cycle it in before I drop the suspension that we don't have to wait for that Esther to pick up I'm also going to incorporate far and I'm going to run Tren last do you think that I should stick at the hundred milligram mark and do I believe I got enough for about seven maybe eight weeks a hundred milligrams what do you think I should do a little less and if I do do a little less what do I do with the extra that I have left over
I would use it all. Just have enough test.
It's tren u talking about 100 what?
Every other day!
And u said suspension? U mean test e or sust? Before adding prop?

I am 41 I am on TRT I blast a lot!
Before trt I used to cycle in late winter into early spring pct them hit another in summer!

All my Dr's are impressed by my health blood work and vital signs! If gear motivates me to be a better me then great, if that will be short lived at least I am doing what I love to do!
And my family always comes first I bust my butt for them and I don't mind at all!
I have slowed down for them too!

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If u are running test suspension, I have a bunch of it! I use it for pre-workout sometimes or some elevated levels for times I can't be on a blast!
But it's hard to keep stable levels with suspension not as bad to do with more test longer ester.
Be careful with estro from peaks and valleys

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I would use it all. Just have enough test.
It's tren u talking about 100 what?
Every other day!
And u said suspension? U mean test e or sust? Before adding prop?

I am 41 I am on TRT I blast a lot!
Before trt I used to cycle in late winter into early spring pct them hit another in summer!

All my Dr's are impressed by my health blood work and vital signs! If gear motivates me to be a better me then great, if that will be short lived at least I am doing what I love to do!
And my family always comes first I bust my butt for them and I don't mind at all!
I have slowed down for them too!

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I ment to like that but my phone sucks lmao.

I am going to do test suspension in water pre and test p 100mg eod with var. I do not think tren and I will mix well, so i plan to hit it hard and fast very short. 300-450mg a week for 4 weeks more or less depending on how I feel, I knoe some say it's fine to run for 12 weeks and others who have said 2 weeks and they are done lmao we shall see. The last time I ran aas I had bought tren, but i guarantee it was deca. That company really sucked it was the mcdonalds of aas, they messed up orders like crazy (they did send me a lot of extras by mistake tho lmao)
You should need any of that if your goal is 12 percent body fat . If your enhanced you should be able too maintain 10 percent easily . if your around 16 you need too work on your diet none of that is going too help if you eat shit constantly . Not trying too be a dick bro but you need too hear the truth . I'm around 10 percent in the off-season eating clean but slightly in a surplus and having 2 cheat meals a week on Deca EQ and some test and drol no cutting drugs . with goal of growing . at 16 percent diet needs too be looked at no drugs

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Agreed. However, everybody's body responds to different things in different ways. We dont know a lot of things here.
Age, time he gets too train, is cardio used, a two day log of what you actually eat while trying to lean would help also if you want sound advice..

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My bad I see you are 30 but a bit more info would help. I will add this I am 52, doing this 34 years, and Var if it's real is an extremely useful compound for strength, getting lean, and vascularity

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