Annoying Neighbor: Cheapest yet largest thing I can have delivered to house


New member
So I have a very annoying neighbor. He is in his 50's and has parties till 4am weekly. He parks his cars so close to me that I can't even back out of my own driveway, yet they are parked so he can't see them outside the front windows of his house. He has used my lot as a dumping site for his grass and limb clippings. He once left a boat parked outside his house right below my driveway for 7 years. And his dogs chase every car and try to attack me when I am running in my street.

So I was looking at bulk whey the other day online and noticed you can buy a 100 lb bag and this got me thinking. What is something I could have delivers to the bastards house that would annoy the hell out of him. For example, if I could get a dump truck full of sand or gravel dumped in his front yard that would be amazing. The only problem is that I'm not going to spend that much money to annoy this guy.

This is probably the most immature thing I have ever considered doing, but I don't care. I have put up with this for too long and want to pull an awesome prank on his ass. So are there any ideas for something I could have delivered that is cheap or something else I could do that would be equally annoying?
does your area have a law about parking in the street?
i am right there with you i have thought about all kinds of stuff (immature i agree but what the hell not like i did anything but thinking about it is fun)

the imagination run,s nails in the tires, hitting their car when backing out, round up sprayed in their yard, mowing or pressure washing in the middle of the day after they party really late, etc.
Take a shit in a small paper bag. And sit it on his porch. And lite it on fire. And knock on his door and run. And hopefully he will come out of his house and stomp on it to put it out. But only do this if he is home and you can run fast... lol
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Water is an interesting idea lol.

To csuperman: parking in the street is so damn annoying. Unfortunately my neighborhood does not have any regulations about it. What's really frustrating is that each lot is an acre + so he has pleny more "street" in front of his house to use. Awesome ideas too. And about the partying thing, no lie this dude has at least 15+ cars till 3-4 am at least once a week in front of his house.

Lightsout: That's hilarious. Even if his dogs got into it before he did that would still be funny bc they occasionally go into his house.

One other idea I had was going to the ghetto and literally buying a $200-300 car and wrecking it into his car when he is not home (yeah the damn car is in the street most of the time he isn't home bc he has several cars), but that's probably taking it too far. He is a dick, but I don't want to destroy his property.

I also thought of putting his car on a block that only sits the car .25 inches above the pavement so that to the naked eye it still appears to be on the ground, but when he starts and puts in drive the car will go nowhere.
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So I have a very annoying neighbor. He is in his 50's and has parties till 4am weekly. He parks his cars so close to me that I can't even back out of my own driveway, yet they are parked so he can't see them outside the front windows of his house. He has used my lot as a dumping site for his grass and limb clippings. He once left a boat parked outside his house right below my driveway for 7 years. And his dogs chase every car and try to attack me when I am running in my street.

So I was looking at bulk whey the other day online and noticed you can buy a 100 lb bag and this got me thinking. What is something I could have delivers to the bastards house that would annoy the hell out of him. For example, if I could get a dump truck full of sand or gravel dumped in his front yard that would be amazing. The only problem is that I'm not going to spend that much money to annoy this guy.

This is probably the most immature thing I have ever considered doing, but I don't care. I have put up with this for too long and want to pull an awesome prank on his ass. So are there any ideas for something I could have delivered that is cheap or something else I could do that would be equally annoying?

This isn't just annoying but down right disrespectful. You need to have a conversation with the guy and tell him to knock this shit off.
weed killer in the shape of a cock..
feed the dog ex lax and watch it shit the house up..
go to the tip and get some big ass settee's chest of draws and leave em there..
keep ringing for pizza, garden qoutes what ever just make sure he had a party the night before.
also mulch is cheap 1 ton of that will do and it stinks in the sun
Like you said you don't want to damage property. Talking to him may work or may not. You don't want it to turn into a constant war though. Some of those can get way out of hand fast.
My parents are more respectful and ask the neighbors for permission for their parties, but they have alot of people. They are a little flamboyant and excessive. The WHOLE backyard has a large full bar with two types of beer on tap, fridge, ice maker, fans, mist bars, 60" LCD TV, large hot tub, swimming pool with slides.....
The big issue is my Pops has gotten a little out of hand in his old age. If you make him mad, the rules go out the windows.
He once went to a neighbors house and put a pile of dog crap onto the outside ceiling fan. You can imagine what happened when the guy turned it on.
Eventually it got out of hand and the guy and my Pops had words. The guy made a good decision by walking away. My Pops isn't a small guy and he just doesn't care about things like he used to. He carries several guns and knives
Throw a bunch of catfish bait in his front yard, it will smell like something died, it'll attract flies, and his dog will probably eat it too!!!
This isn't just annoying but down right disrespectful. You need to have a conversation with the guy and tell him to knock this shit off.

I have talked to him before and asked nicely several times. But yeah if I hadn't that would totally be the best solution.

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weed killer in the shape of a cock..
feed the dog ex lax and watch it shit the house up..
go to the tip and get some big ass settee's chest of draws and leave em there..
keep ringing for pizza, garden qoutes what ever just make sure he had a party the night before.
also mulch is cheap 1 ton of that will do and it stinks in the sun

That's incredibly immature and also hilarious. I may do that.

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Lol what the fuck! Lol you sick bastard

This made me laugh really hard haha.

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Take a BB gun and shoot out his AC compressor when he's not home.

Too much property damage involved haha
I have talked to him before and asked nicely several times. But yeah if I hadn't that would totally be the best solution.

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That's incredibly immature and also hilarious. I may do that.

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This made me laugh really hard haha.

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Too much property damage involved haha

Like you said you don't want to damage property. Talking to him may work or may not. You don't want it to turn into a constant war though. Some of those can get way out of hand fast.
My parents are more respectful and ask the neighbors for permission for their parties, but they have alot of people. They are a little flamboyant and excessive. The WHOLE backyard has a large full bar with two types of beer on tap, fridge, ice maker, fans, mist bars, 60" LCD TV, large hot tub, swimming pool with slides.....
The big issue is my Pops has gotten a little out of hand in his old age. If you make him mad, the rules go out the windows.
He once went to a neighbors house and put a pile of dog crap onto the outside ceiling fan. You can imagine what happened when the guy turned it on.
Eventually it got out of hand and the guy and my Pops had words. The guy made a good decision by walking away. My Pops isn't a small guy and he just doesn't care about things like he used to. He carries several guns and knives

Very true. Good points. That's why I want to do something where he will have no clue it was me.

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Throw a bunch of catfish bait in his front yard, it will smell like something died, it'll attract flies, and his dog will probably eat it too!!!

HMM this has potential too because bait is cheap :) I could get like 100 lbs of catfish bait haha
weed killer in the shape of a cock..
feed the dog ex lax and watch it shit the house up..
go to the tip and get some big ass settee's chest of draws and leave em there..
keep ringing for pizza, garden qoutes what ever just make sure he had a party the night before.
also mulch is cheap 1 ton of that will do and it stinks in the sun

good stuff. Also even dead fish tossed in the far corner or other side of his house. Something you would know nothing
about. It would agrivate him but not fix your problem. Im getting ready to get my neighbor again. He has done some
getto shit. Had to call the city once when he put a deck against my house. they are seperated. I have guys looking into
my 2nd story kitchen window. Totally against city permit laws. (he had to pull down)
He knows it was me but we still get along not bad. his
thing, he has done once before is to stick his garbage cans outside his gararge opposite side of his houses fromt door.
It is right by the entry to my house. I used to open my front door and smell the shit. I waited untill very late one night
and walked his cans about 4 blocks away and hid them between someone elses houses. Every time he put them out he
thought someone was steeling them. Sucker just started putting his compost recycling can back by my entry. Not by
his entry in case it smells but by mine. Time for a 2 in the morning relocate. he will get the idea.
Got sidetracked here but your situtuation is different. Can you get other neighbors to sign something and make complaint.
Also, if parties are every night take a ride to a pay phone or get a prepaid phone and call cops every night and say it
sounds like you just heard screaming and a gun shot. After a few times he prob will cool it. Just dont let it obvious it is you