Another Battle with the beast.... DNP

<!--QuoteBegin--PhatSack+April 25 2002,1:36--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PhatSack @ April 25 2002,1:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->10 mo's ago ! was 6'1 240, 19%BF.  Right now I'm 215 @ 7.5% BF.  I am also 30 yrs old.  No T-3, No clen, just mild doses of eca and a good diet.  I really only dieted consistently for 3-4 mo's.So I have walked in your shoes.   I practice low carb dieting and exercise.  The previous post I made was realistic and could be followed by someone looking to lose weight.  But you commemt on how the wt. would soon come back which is just lazy excuse.  Don't get offended, its just that what you accomplished using DNP could of been accomplished w/o it. I personally could give a shit less whether you choose to use DNP or not.  Its your body not mine.  I am more interested in your reply to my original post.  I am a cheater myself. yes I use AS.  I'm not here to point fingers, but I will defend my post against your impatience and laziness.  What good is DNP anyway?, if you can't follow it up w/ healthy eating habits.[/quote]
Where did i say the weight would come back.... I will never ever again turn into the person i once was, I did the ECA thing with a solid diet and dropped about 20%bf before trying anything,

Trust me I am far from lazy, I still diet, I still eat right.... you find me one other person who lost 14lbs in 10 days using dnp, and find someone else who had the same natural results as i did.... the impatient thing was sarcastic bro,

I'm still trying to find out where I said the weight would come back, I would not think that, and yeah you took a small walk in my shoes, but 19%bf isnt too bad, and thats also only like 25 pounds do the math with mine and its double that at least, plus the addition of 30lbs of muscle, again without AS

now im concentrating on losing bodyfat and gaining muscle at the same time, which yes, is possible, I am living proof, I made a choice to use DNP just like you use AS, and hey thats great i will prolly do another cycle at some point in the future, maybe i wont, but twisting my words around isnt gonna make your point any more valid....

reread it and please quote where i said all of my weight was going to come back, cuz if it says it i prolly didnt mean it and will explain further what i meant by it.


EDIT: Oh you mean the water weight from a keto diet.... I have no clue what kind of keto diet you are running where you lose no water and lose 14lbs of pure fat in 2 weeks... if this is possible i would love to see an outline of this and week to week results, but there is no diet in the world which will make you lose 14lbs of pure fat without losing some sort of LBM, I'm stronger and more cut since using DNP the first time, if anything you hold water on DNP
<!--QuoteBegin--46and2aheadofme+April 25 2002,10:23--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (46and2aheadofme @ April 25 2002,10:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->you  <!--emo&{)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='{)'><!--endemo-->[/quote]
hehe yup i do :)
<!--QuoteBegin--CycloneHWT+April 24 2002,9:22--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CycloneHWT @ April 24 2002,9:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--PhatSack+April 24 2002,8:03--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PhatSack @ April 24 2002,8:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->You can lose 14lbs. in 10 days by eliminating carbs.[/quote]
10 pounds will be water in that case, at least, then you add carbs and the water comes back[/quote]
You have no point.  Your right, I don't have 14lbs to lose in 10 days anymore.  I achieved 90% of my goal(5% BF).  Like I said, I could give a shit less whether you like dnp or not.  When you are that fat, you can lose 14lbs  in 10 days w/ just about anything.  I don't really give a shit how you do it, you can smoke crack, meth-amphetamine.  My point was that dnp was not needed to accomplish that and more importantly to comment you made about the wt. coming back after a ketonic diet.  This was your exact words,"10 pounds will be water in that case, at least, then you add carbs and the water comes back."
A guy with a 6' 4" frame who needs/needed AAS to get to 215 @ even 7% BF has no room to infer anyone else is impatient, lazy, or lacking knowledge concerning diet or nutrition.
<!--QuoteBegin--PhatSack+April 25 2002,6:00--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PhatSack @ April 25 2002,6:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->You have no point.  Your right, I don't have 14lbs to lose in 10 days anymore.  I achieved 90% of my goal(5% BF).  Like I said, I could give a shit less whether you like dnp or not.  When you are that fat, you can lose 14lbs  in 10 days w/ just about anything.  I don't really give a shit how you do it, you can smoke crack, meth-amphetamine.  My point was that dnp was not needed to accomplish that and more importantly to comment you made about the wt. coming back after a ketonic diet.  This was your exact words,"10 pounds will be water in that case, at least, then you add carbs and the water comes back."[/quote]
ok i didnt say anything about have the weight to lose, I'm saying that it is impossible to lose 14lbs of pure fat in 10 days on a keto diet and have 0 pound of water lost... if it can be done please tell me how.... and yeah i am still a bit overweight, but i still worked hard, don't think that simply because I'm overweight that  I am lazy and DNP is my way out

And yeah... read the EDIT big guy i found where I said it, and yes it is true, on a keto diet the first 2 weeks is mostly water and that weight comes back, don't deny that, cuz you know as well as I do that that is the truth, otherwise when i did it i would not have lost 6 pounds in 2 days, you mean to tell me that was all fat, I think not

So again you say what you want, twist everything I'm saying around to make it sound like you are right, when all you are doin is digging yourself deeper and deeper into your wrong statement..... Try educating yourself before you start telling people they are lazy, at 6'4 210lbs, and training as long as you have, I am beginning to wonder who the lazy one here is since i have been training since last march and my muscle gain and fat loss have both doubled your "years of successful training"
<!--QuoteBegin--AlmostPro+April 25 2002,6:07--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (AlmostPro @ April 25 2002,6:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->A guy with a 6' 4" frame who needs/needed AAS to get to 215 @ even 7% BF has no room to infer anyone else is impatient, lazy, or lacking knowledge concerning diet or nutrition.[/quote]
thank you
I'm not 6'4 210, I'm 6'1 215.  I'll post pics w/ you anytime to measure hardwork.  I have no desire to grow past 220lbs, I work in a corporate atmosphere where I'm on my feet all day.  I competed as an athlete around the same measurements and this is a weight that efficient for me.  Look, I'm happy for your success, but I also didn't become 45% BF.  I'm happy you like DNP, I like steroids.  Who gives a fuck!  I am also 30 and may of messed up my natural yest levels from AS use 8-9 yrs. ago.  So in my situation, AS is very useful.  Look if you honestly are looking for help w/ your dieting then I'll be glad to help.

<!--EDIT|PhatSack|April 25 2002,7:26-->
lol oh my god this is turning into a fight fest...

DNP, in my opinion, is simply a tool, much like steroids.. When used wisely it can be incorporated into a diet to enhance the results of a bodybuilding program. While using both is considered cheating by the mainstream, we in the anabolic community should not condemn those who use one or the other... Unless you are all natural using neither, restrain yourselves from calling others out simply because they choose to augment their training with these products...

<!--QuoteBegin--PhatSack+April 25 2002,7:15--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PhatSack @ April 25 2002,7:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->I'm not 6'4 210, I'm 6'1 215.  [/quote]
not bad bro,

but you still arent getting my point and i think we are missing each other's points here as well....

I'm glad you did well on a keto diet but i still dont see how you lost 14lbs in 10 days on it and none of its water... which does come back, thats my point, it is impossible not to lose and gasin back water weight on a keto diet

also questioning my work ethic isnt making it easier, I take that very seriously and trust me i do know what hard work is, and when someone tells me i dont that really bothers me, because yeah i was lazy and now i am the opposite, my hard work has paid off 10 fold in my life and testing it doesnt make it any easier, but you have your opinion and I have mine and we should keep it like that, we disagree

plain and simple, this just got out of hand
I never said he was a cheater, I said that you could lose 14lbs in 10 days w/o DNP.  Cyclone seems to disagree.  Its funny, I use a Ket. diet, he doesn't.  Yet, he's telling me how it works.  I /m personally tired of argueing w/ ass.  I think its time to post pics and shut up.
<!--QuoteBegin--PhatSack+April 25 2002,7:29--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PhatSack @ April 25 2002,7:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->I never said he was a cheater, I said that you could lose 14lbs in 10 days w/o DNP.  Cyclone seems to disagree.  Its funny, I use a Ket. diet, he doesn't[/quote]
I have used it and i didnt like it actually, it wasnt for me.... posting pics isnt gonna prove a damn thing, maybe befores and afters, but still im at 20% and you are at 7.5%, so of course you are gonna look better, there is no question, I might have a lot more muscle mass but you are gonna be more cut, thats just the way it goes...

And i have both lost weight and gained more muscle than you in the past few months but masybe you still look better, how about when im at 12%bf i post a pic, then we will see who looks good, but for now I'm not going to
LOL, I've been missing this.  Foreverblast said it just right.  Everybody is trying to make there goals come quicker.
Yeah I'm with Forever matter what we are all going to do what we want...some may disagree..but hey...who cares...:) <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&GG--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='GG'><!--endemo-->
well phatsack who gives a shit.  Don't think because you can do it everybody can.  For one thing everybody's body is diffrent.  Also the point is dnp is great shit and I don't care if you can lose 30lbs. with out it because you will lose triple that with it.  Besides who made you the body enhancment police.  You try and say someone is lazy for using dnp, well the same can be said for people that use steroids, insulin, creatine,sntherol or any of that shit.  Who made you boss to decide what is ok and what isn't.  

(summary: phatsack needs to get off his high horse) :angry:
JS, obviously you are an illiterate  because I never said DNP was cheating, wrong or anything like that.  What I did say was that you could lose 14lbs w/o DNP which Cyclone replied that it would all be water.  My battle is not w/ DNP, I can't pass judgement-I've never used it.  All I said that was that you could lose 14lbs in 10 days w/o it.
Yes and all hes sayin is if you carb starve yourself the 14 lbs you lose could be muscle/water...the DNP he knows was 14lbs of fat!!! let it rest both have your opinions...

by the way im new

i see guys say taller guys with bigger frames should have no problem gettin to 7% bf. its not as easy as you think. im also 6'4 and yes i should be able to cut down to 7% easily. i agree with you. But a 5'9 guy should be able to put on 25 lbs of muscle without as. Noone ever mouths the little guy my 2 cents....
you lovers need to get a room  <!--emo&:p--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'><!--endemo-->