ANOTHER car accident

I"m gonna be real with you brother, and I hope you take this to heart.

Be happy with what you have. Be happy you have the ability to wake up in the morning and breathe. Be happy you're able to walk, even if its only until you're 40. I've seen so much death in my life. I've seen my brothers in arms die, for no reason but greed and politics. Those guys can't hug their children ever again, kiss their wife before they go to bed. Those guys will never know what it is to type on a forum and gripe about their hardships. Be grateful you have hardships, because they make you a better, stronger man in the end. Stand up with your head high and take them on head on.

Take it from me bub, don't take life for granted. Every hand of cards isn't the same, and things suck at times.....but there is always someone out there that wishes they had your life.....any life at all. Live in memory of those who died in vane.
I hear you about the pain issue. Chronic pain can really suck. You just need to get fixed up. the process is slow. It took me 10 years and 4 surgeries to just get as good as it gets. See if you can find a place with a pool and started doing some water exercises. gets you out of the house. Get one of those cases for the ipod that you can use in the water. The County I worked for tried to starve me out also and wait me out. That didnt realize ive been saving my money my whole life so I out lasted them.
Sorry to hear brother, I'm not going to tell you to thank your blessings (sounds like you already have that down). You have been dealt some shitty hands seems like several right in a row. Just don't let these define you, keep plugging along like the strong person you know you are. They say when it rains it pours and soon you will be out of the storm man. Take care, you and silk will be in my prayers for some relief.
I am hoping that things turn around for you. I am going through marriage crap. Makes my crap seem small.

I don't know about that. I would rather deal with all of this than have an issue with my marriage. I am a very happily married man though so I'm sure that has something to do with it. I wish you the best man.
I did have my appt with the surgeon and he said everything looks good. That's a huge relief, but he sent me to my regular Dr for anything can accident related so I have another Appt next week.

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So sorry to hear about your health issues Dude. I will pray for you and your family.
Dude i cant believe im reading this...sorry i missed it..dumb fucking arse holes on the road is all we need..hope you got your truck sorted and not to much damage and and silk are strong together..get some grey goose in ya and knock that pain in to next week..
any news or updates..