Another new guy


New member
Hello all,
Just a simple intro so I hopefully have to explain less later.
Just turned 25, started working out hard when I was 21, been at it off and on since then. No real aspirations of becoming a competetive body builder or power lifter of any kind. Just an average guy who wants to be bigger and stronger than I currently am.
I've done about 6-7 cycles of pro hormones over the years (h-drol, epi, s-drol) with great results and have definitely hung on to a little bit from each of them even through the really low and lazy times.

I'm sitting at just over 6' and 220, somewhere in the mid to high teens BF.
Right now I'm trying to get my diet back in check as I've been pretty bad for a couple of months for assorted reasons. After the holidays I'm planning on running a short cycle of Epi (4-6) weeks and then I want to jump on a more serious cycle the likes of which I know very little (why I found MC).

I'll probly be mostly lurking for the foreseeable future just trying to learn but I won't be why to ask questions.

Good or to be here. Awesome forum everybody.
Welcome to MC bro! Lot of info, lots of knowledge guys n gals! If ya need anything just make a thread. If i can help ya feel free 2 PM me. Also u earn credits 4 supplments by posting on the forum redeemable at the MC store. Good to have ya!
welcome to MC i myself will probably never compete so im glad they welcome the average BBer here, bunch of great folks with tons of knowledge and experience
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. Glad to be here.

Also u earn credits 4 supplments by posting on the forum redeemable at the MC store.
This was one of the things that made me join. I've been reading a lot about your IGF and I feel like I need to get my hands on some. If I can get it for free, that's even better.
Welcome to the show brutha! Also good to hear that the earned credits from posting is one of the reasons you signed up!!!
welcome to Mc...i also never want to compete but respect the guys that do..nearly 40 and cant be arsed question is to stupid to ask..not like other sites..but the search button can be a good friend lots have asked before..TTFN..
Thanks for everything gentlemen. I'm mostly a lurker when it comes to forums but I'll try and talk more here so them credits keep coming in.
On that note I just started a short run on Epi to get back in some kind of decent shape. Just running 20mg e/d (10, twice a day) for 4 weeks with OTC liver assist. PCT I'm thinking I'll use nolva or something similar. Until recently I didn't know how easy it was to come by such things so I've always just got test boosters and estrogen blockers from normal supplement stores. Guess we'll see.
Good to be here gentlemen.
I'll be honest, I created an account over a decade ago and let my wife use it. Until this last year, I never gave the site much though but since I've ventured back over, I have to say I am impressed with this site.
Brothers are very friendly and helpful. Not a lot of drama and flaming and the people who run the board are very active on it.
Very knowledgeable guys here and they are willing to share, so ask away.