anti inflammitory cream


New member
Is msm cream an anti inflammatory. Someone told me it is, but it dosen't mention that on the case. All it says is that it is good for the skin.

Can you guys name some other anti inflammatory creams (mineral ice?)

What ingredients should I be looking for?( if it dosen't say anti inflammatory on the bottle)

No msm is not an anti-imf. its in a lot of joint supplements. It does have some research that it helps with cartalige and fybromyalgia. Advil and ice! Vioxx is the best though. It might help though whats hurting?
The best anti- inf cream is traumeel by Heel inc. You can find it on the web. The best I have ever used and I use it with my patients all the time
What ails you mate? What do you need anti-i's for? maybe we can offer suggestions.

I got 800mg Ibuprofen for the real tricky days ;)
I had a soccor player with a therd degree ankle sprain. I had her put the traumeel on part of the ankle only. It was amazing. In just two days the area with the traumeel was drasticly better than the area without.
Junkyard Dog said:
What ails you mate? What do you need anti-i's for? maybe we can offer suggestions.

I got 800mg Ibuprofen for the real tricky days ;)

Sorry I couldn't respond sooner, but I have been real busy with school. I think I posted about my elbow problems before already. Anyway my right elbow grinds just from doing pushups, my left elbow hurts where the elbow and tricep meet. (I am not sure if it is due to inflammation.) I bought the traumeel and was wondering if I can use heat or ice with it.

I also found a website that aids in rehabilitation for elbow injuries. It gives you some forearm exercises andsome exercises using a rubberband and squeezing a tennis ball.
( sometimes when I squeeze the tennis ball my elbows do hurt)
Also my fore arm feels weak sometimes (If I put my palms up, the bottom part..I don really know how to explain it.)

Anyone have any suggestions on how I could heal this injury faster? More heat? ice? Its been about a month, and I thought it would have been better by now.

Thanks everyone.
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