any endomorphs here.


New member
i would like to know who are the endo's on this board, i would like to gain some knowledge about all u endo's.

Endomorphs are fat and muscular like i am. its hard to get shredded for me. but not that hard to gain muslce. Note not all all the endomorphs stay fat, if they gain enough muslce their metabolism speeds up and they are able to stay lean. i am much more of an endo then a meso. unless i diet all year long i am 12*15% BF

please post about your experience if u are an endomorph about cutting and what works for u. also even if u aren't one and knows their shit post some thoughts.
I use to wish I was, i was a hard gainer bro, but once i packed on some decent muscle i find it easy to stay lean year round and close to contest weight, i guess the grass is always greener on the other side,lol
Well I am a "endomorph" I am struggling with the bf% also. I powerlifed for years and it is hard for me when I start leaning out. I start thinking I am getting "small". I am learning to get that thinking out of my head. So you are not alone in this battle bro. I have learned alot around this board. Hang around and read.
damn man, i wish i could stay lean all year long. my most trouble area is chest and abs. my nipps get very puffy when i am fat and also when i have a lot of water retention. so what kind of diet works for u rico for cutting up.

any other people in the same boat.
Well I am trying a carb cycle thing. It has helped. I am not cut up...yet. I am making good progress for sure. Part of my goal is not to loose power while loosing fat. It is like this 150 one day the next 100 the next 50 then 300.. then 150 again. And so on. I am down 40 lbs and 5% bf I hope to keep it droping . Good luck in your quest. The 300 carb day makes me feel like ass at night.
i think i might just do the full keto diet for like two weeks. then do a few days of low to moderate carb days then do more keto. personally keto is the only thing i have seen results with.

also how do u manage to measure your carbs so precisely.
Well mesuring is kinda easy. Lots of things give a breakdown on the containers. Like oatmeal and such. Also there are good sites with coloric breakdowns on them like. I think There are a few more on the mc website. If you cant find them let me know I have a few of them. I myself have done the catabolic burst thing also with success. It is kinda like a 5 day no carbs then eat all the carbs(clean) that you can for 2 days. Everyones body is diferent. But it looks like you are trying some things and getting a bit of good results. Good luck.

I am an endo, I have no problem gaining mass but my body does not like to be under 12%bf..I used to live and die by a keto diet but I have switched to 100g of carbs a day and the results have been better as my thyroid does not shut down after 5-6 weeks as I have been dieting for 12 weeks down 25lbs and the fat is still dropping. Basically if you are an endo strat liking cardio and eat very clean through your cycles and gain mass slow as you are prone to getting fat fast
Ecto-Endo here. Easy to be big, easy to get small. I get big fast and get fat fast too. All it takes for me to drop fat is cut carbs. Go down to 150g/day and I'll lose at least 1.5lbs of FAT per week. All it takes to loose size is drop total caloric intake which makes me believe that I'm naturally a bit of an ecto. Another reason I think that is cause my calves are naturally thin as well as my wrists and ankles. I have long tendons and short muscle bellies. When I'm on the see-food diet (eating everything I see) I gain muscle everywhere even without gear but I tend to get fat in the love handle/spare tire region and definitely get alot around the small gyno I still have mostly in the right breast (which again is odd in itself, simply cause gyno is supposed to start and stay most prominent in the left breast). A little discipline with the diet/carbs and slow and steady gains come nicely.

On a side note: I've never had a six pack so I don't know what it takes to get below 10%. Can get there but beyond that, don't know but plan to soon.
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i feel u remo, i am having a very hard time training rite now. i dont have time, when i do get time i am tired from school. from tommorrow i am gonna wake up at 430 and train in the morning b4 my day starts imma see how that works out. i need to lose about 20 lbs of fat. and get back in shape. i have very mild gyno but when i gain fat, around the gyno and abs are the first places where the fat goes.