Any GNC shoppers here?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Just wondering if anyone still shops gnc or mostly online? If you do shop gnc what products do you tend to buy the most?
Very odd you just posted this as I seen a commercial a few days ago for GNC and i thought to myself "How do these guys stay in business" because I dont know anyone who shops at GNC!

Mainly because the assholes who work there are built like a stick and they come over and hound you and start talking like they know what the fuck they are talking about,lol, it pisses me off actually,lol

I guess ill admit then wife and I will stop in and buy a quick shake to go when were in the mall shopping or somehting, but no we dont buy our everyday supplements through GNC
I dont shop much there either just mainly protien, but there so many places that carry protien now, I couldnt tell you the last time I bought somethjng from there.
i swing in and pick up the marked down stuff thats going to expire soon, but they changed their policy and wont mark down 3rd party products 75% like they used to if it was going to expire in a month or two.
I use to when they had sales going on. We have a competitor here called Hi Health and they are much better and better selection of natural items.
I don't like GNC stores. They are taught to sell. I'm a guy who does not like being sold to. Don't give me the line that they taught you to say. So if I'm buying something I go online or if I have to go into a store that I know the people are trying to "sell me" I put Ibuds in and just grab what I need and pay without saying a word.
I don't like GNC stores. They are taught to sell. I'm a guy who does not like being sold to. Don't give me the line that they taught you to say. So if I'm buying something I go online or if I have to go into a store that I know the people are trying to "sell me" I put Ibuds in and just grab what I need and pay without saying a word.

I love the push for their private label stuff lol.
Online is the ONLY way to go these days, several sites will match or beat other online companies with quick shipping, much better than
I used to own a Nutrition store here in SoCal but with online companies and the box stores (costco, sam's club) my profit margin desolved not to mention working 7 days a week. Found a sucker to buy it and it only lasted a year before that guy had to close it.....
I typically don't shop there, but needed some protein on the spot one day so went into one. Those guys are trying to sell me all sorts of crap and giving me "information" on the best proteins and other supplements. It all sounded good to the untrained ear, but most of what he said was completely false. I feel bad for the people that don't know any better and are really looking for solid health advise.
I typically don't shop there, but needed some protein on the spot one day so went into one. Those guys are trying to sell me all sorts of crap and giving me "information" on the best proteins and other supplements. It all sounded good to the untrained ear, but most of what he said was completely false. I feel bad for the people that don't know any better and are really looking for solid health advise.

They push whatevever product has the best commission that month.
I shop at the GNC thats in quincy, but I used to work there and they still give me my employee discount. Its not a corprate store so they got shit the others dnt. Not to mention these paople actualy know their shit. Which is rare. I'd say it's 50/50 with GNC and online. They all have known me for at least 6 years. Fck I'll be in there getting shit for myself and making sales for them at the same time. And no not their own bullshit. They dnt even push their own line cause they know it sux, lol!!!!!
i swing in and pick up the marked down stuff thats going to expire soon, but they changed their policy and wont mark down 3rd party products 75% like they used to if it was going to expire in a month or two.

last week i bought 2 lbs of casein for $13 it expires in 30 days

other than that i try and find the best deals on whatever i need usually put in mass orders for atleast 2 month supply
i only get the red tag marked down near exp date bars...get them when they're .99-1.99...they're still good for quite a while
last week i bought 2 lbs of casein for $13 it expires in 30 days

other than that i try and find the best deals on whatever i need usually put in mass orders for atleast 2 month supply

Best i did before the pricing policy changed was, 2-2lbs of hydrowhey and 5lbs of ON 100%whey and a random other 2lbs for about 50 bucks.
i think they are a waste of they have the gold card there ..they have a gold card over here that lets u have discount..the last time i went in there there was this huge sign saying less than half price sale ect ect so got me self some nice bits as u do, went to pay and she say do u have your gold card ..i say no i dont have one she says well then thats x amount plz im like what its a half price sale..she says no its only 4 gold card members ONLY im like WHAT WHERE IT SAY THAT ON THAT HUGE BOARD..ripped my card out of her hand and stormed of .
waste of my 30 mins that was never been in there since..
have u seen the IGF 1 protien for sale it there its £60 a tub i think..IGF 1 protein like asked about it once they gave some bullshit..i was like igf1 is killed by the stomach acid so how does it get in to your system..dumb ass did not know what to say to that..
Lol yeah they generally have dummies working at GNC problem is instead of them saying "I don't know" they'll try to make shit up as they go along lol. It's funny! I grabbed a couple shakes in gnc at the mall and my buddy decided to ask the guy what this and that stuff did knowing the guy would make shit up lol I must say we enjoyed listening to him fumble around making shit up instead of just saying "I don't know" lol
Yeah I had a lady about 55 and weighed a good 220lb telling me what joint pills were good for me