Any of you ladies enjoy going to a Gentleman's club

I like going. with my man or with friends. unfortunately, the friends i had that would go out with me turned out to be demons so i had to kill them. now my female friends are either too old fashioned or incredibly prude and proud of it.
if shiko would take me again, i'd love to go. it's fun.
My wife is too jealous! She would want to kill me. Besides I am too broke for that. Don't mind going, in fact had a great time in one in Canada. Can't go into too many details but the no touching rule.....out the door!
Saks said:
My wife is too jealous! She would want to kill me. Besides I am too broke for that. Don't mind going, in fact had a great time in one in Canada. Can't go into too many details but the no touching rule.....out the door!

Reallllly?? I was told that there was no touching....
*Claire* said:
I like going. with my man or with friends. unfortunately, the friends i had that would go out with me turned out to be demons so i had to kill them. now my female friends are either too old fashioned or incredibly prude and proud of it.
if shiko would take me again, i'd love to go. it's fun.

as soon as you say lets go we will !

maybe this weekend ;)
we need to go: my wife, shiko, claire and I. Can't do it this weekend, though
Lerner i got your back here friend. Just because we disagree doesnt make everyone else right. I think your eventually going to run into jealousy issues when you start taking your wife or girlfriend to a place where your staring at other naked women. Even if she wants to go what happens that one time you look just a little too long or the dancer takes a liking to you and passes you her number. I used to work in a high end strip club as a bouncer and let me tell you i dont care if you have to wear a tux to get in 70 percent of the girls are on x or speed or coke and 50 percent of them prostitute themselves. BUt its high so you call it call girls, lol yeah right. I think ill take my girl to the theater or a museum, if she wants to see naked women ill buy her a video.
pudgy I hear what you are saying but...

I think that jealousy stims from security issues in the woman if she is secure in her self and her relations ship with the guy there will be nothing to get jealous of !

just my .02cts
My wife and I go every once in a while.
The only way to go to strip club is with a another woman. The strippers like the women more than men. They either are bi/lesbian or they find it as a break from the guys trying to bang them all night.
By the end of the night we always have a few offers from some of them go home with us. :)
Jarhead^ See! I was told that doesn't happen and no touching, etc...
I guess each club is different?? friends & I go all the time. You can not touch here at all in any area of the club- Its fun tho- a lot of those girls are just trying to make a living- most go to school and are trying to pay their way thru- yes there are some who are hoochies and on drugs...but hell that is any where you go just they are BANKING at doing it.... It is a place we go and just chill either before or after the club thing....We know most of the people that own and manage them so we just hang.... I am not a jealous person and womens body are beautiful...what they do with them is their business.... I would not dance ... but yes- your girl has to be totally cool with it cause I could see where it would cause problems but she should know you are going home with her and hell it may make YOUR night a little better later that night :D haha
munkeee likes to go to them with me, and the girls love it when she goes up to tip them, they usually feel her up though.

we haven't been to one in months though.
nothing major, just when she goes up to the stage to tip them, they will smack her ass, or want to put the dollar between her boobs and pull it out with their teeth.

just good fun, probably just to turn all the guys on and give them more money.
shyone said:
I am with you and learner and body to see.

#1 - You are paying money to put money into a womans g-string - for what? The quickie feel of her inner thigh? (You know you won't be touching anything else!)

#2 - These women know how to make money! Of course they are going to be all over your girl - what is almost everymans fantasy??? A woman with a woman and them in between!!!

#3 - If you have a girl and love her and love being with her then you obviously like the package she has!! Why go and look at others when you have your own right there in front of you and they can be viewed at almost anytime (upon request) and probably end up having sex when all is said and done!

#4 - I know I would not like my man looking at another woman or even think about touching her. I would have a problem with this and NO it has nothing to do with insecurity - it has to do with RESPECT!

Good post Shyone :thumbsup: You bring up more for me to ponder.
This is CC's wife. Just had to add my two cents. I feel really bad for some of the girls, but only when they have to dance for really unattractive men. If that's any of you, then maybe it's better you're staying home! LOL

Incidentally, a nice gentleman's club can be a real turn-on. Went to one of the better ones in Vegas to celebrate my birthday, and it was an extremely sexy way to turn 40! It's exciting to have a woman whisper in your ear!

Maybe we can all go to a nice "Club" in Atlantic City, they have a few high end ones. My girl will go, no doubts !!