Any one use Epitalon?

I am very interested. No one in the longevity/ anti-aging crowd is talking about this. Is either brand new or have very little published data on it; or the people I listen to would be all over it as well.
It's been proven to work therepeuticaly. It takes long term use though. I'm wondering if it is cost that is prohibitive? I do know a few legit sources. I am mainly wondering if it improves quality of life as well as lengthen it. Also it has been shown to regenerate the mind. I am interested in that as well.
I am wondering if people have done a n=1 and did a before and after telemer length test ( age testing) to see how many years they were able to knock off with everything else being consistant.
It seemed to me that it restores the telemeres to original length. They used 60 year old subjects though. I really need to dive in on this subject more...
I am wondering if people have done a n=1 and did a before and after telemer length test ( age testing) to see how many years they were able to knock off with everything else being consistant.

can you elaborate brutha?
I think he means a true long term double blind study. And also if it actually lengthens life span and not just restore it.
A double blind would be awesome but I don't think it will ever happen; it is too much on the 'fringe'.

You can get your telemer age taken, by getting special testing done. Nutritional experts will get their telemer age taken; for example I listened to a recent podcast by Dr mark hymen where he indicated that his biological age is 60 ( can't remember exactly) but his telemer age was 39. The theory goes that as we age our telelmer get shorter and shorter and that is why we eventually get old and least this is the very simplified version of what current guru's on the subject are touting.