Any organ problems...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
My buddy swears that he's getting kidney and liver damage from AAS. I've never had any problems...I've used a lot more than he has, anyone ever had any problems?
ofcourse its a good possibility brutha! but why does he say this? what problems is he experiencing?
i had a problem before from dnp, liver enzimes were through the roof, now that i get rx enathate i go once a month for blood test to make sure,
Last time i competed i was doing more than the avaerage amounts of everything like Test, Mast, Tren, Winny, Prop etc etc, and then right towards the end things like DNP, Dyazide etc etc.

3 months after my competition i went for my Annual MOT through my Private medical insurer, Full blood worx the lot. My liver and kidneys were fried. Kidneys were struggling to process protein, and liver enzymes were through the roof. I acutally expected nothing less really. I mean the stress something like competition puts your body through you gotta believe its gonna take its toll.

I dont really put the issues down to the AAS though, more the things like DNP and Dieuretics that cause the problems. Sure i guess in the amounts i was taking the AAS may have contributed, but the other stuff is a lot more harsh on your system in my eyes
He says his stomach is hurting now and he says it's like he got punched in the kidneys. He also says that his blood pressure and anxiety is up too, I personally think he's overreacting and being a pain, but that's just me
what else does he do (perhaps "recreationally") that he does or doesn't tell you about?

maybe he's not drinking enough water
maybe he's drinking too much alcohol
maybe he takes tylenol at high doses everyday
the list goes on