Anybody go thru withdrawels


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Anyone go thru withdrawels after coming off their last cycle lol? I am bad, I want to start back now with only 2 weeks off.
Anyone go thru withdrawels after coming off their last cycle lol? I am bad, I want to start back now with only 2 weeks off.

Patience young grasshopper. Lol!!! It's hard but time off is go for your body. Like running 20 weeks on and 10 weeks off. If you want to keep your gains run igf while you are off. And try to eat clean. And you will keep 90 % of your sizes. Its a head game but I know it is hard.
Lol well if your shaking with cold sweats and sick then you better check ur bottle lol cause I ain't never heard of withdrawal from gear lol impatience yes! Lol
Low test can make you feel like shite, but only after 2 weeks, that's more psychological. How's your PCT? Get your Test levels back ASAP. You'll never be as strong off as you were on, sucks but more important now is to hold on to what you gained. Suck it up and drive on.
Hell yes......I've been jonesin to jump back on.,,been off 6 day at a time...
use to when I was younger but now I kinda like not having to pin multiple times a week

then I get pissed when my lifts go down
Eeewwww I haven't been off in years, but things aren't looking so good right now!
i use to cycle on and off my 1st 2 yrs. after i had 2 kids and got a beautiful family im content and jus stay on yr long. I jus adjust my doseages throughout the yr. P{retty much blast and cruise typwe of thing