anybody use gh year round?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Im getting ready to purchase GH for the first time. Im currently just on HRT, 250 mgs of test E. Im going to be using 5ius per day of GH from this point regardless if im on cycle or not. . I was wondering if anyone else has done this???

Im almost 40 and want to fighting the battle of aging.
Make sure you start at like 2 ius a day and work your way up to 5 ius; I wouldn't start with 5
I wouldnt even go to 5 at all but everyones research shows something different
Yeah, year around is the way to go. If you can afford it. during times your trying to grow I would say 4-8iu's...then when your off, just maintaining muscle 2-3 iu's is plenty
I've been on for 6 straight yrs now, during low dosage periods I go 2 iu's/day,. but when I crank it up. its up to 5 ius/day, 5 on 2 off.

I have a source for blue tops that is cheap or I wouldn't be able to afford it
I've been on for 6 straight yrs now, during low dosage periods I go 2 iu's/day,. but when I crank it up. its up to 5 ius/day, 5 on 2 off.

I have a source for blue tops that is cheap or I wouldn't be able to afford it

Do you prefer the blue tops over everything else?
Do you prefer the blue tops over everything else?

Thats a loaded question, sort of. If $$ weren't an issue, I would rather go with the better stuff. But for my $$, the blue tops are decent. I guess its like if you have a headache, you can pop a name brand Advil and your headaches gone in 20 minutes.....or you can save s few $$, buy the generic Ibuprofen and your headaches gone in 25 minutes.
I'm seriously considering it after the show. High doses of AAS does nothing for me, synergism is where it's at for me. A little test, Deca, IGF, and GH and insulin. I'm just doubtful it's worth the cost if I'm just using it for muscle growth.
I've been on for 6 straight yrs now, during low dosage periods I go 2 iu's/day,. but when I crank it up. its up to 5 ius/day, 5 on 2 off.

I have a source for blue tops that is cheap or I wouldn't be able to afford it

What have you noticed that you think is a direct result of the GH? Skin, hair,
muscle - size or cut more, ect.
Been thinking about
What have you noticed that you think is a direct result of the GH? Skin, hair,
muscle - size or cut more, ect.
Been thinking about

Without doubt more muscle and more youthful appearance. Good fat burner WHEN everything else is in play(diet, cardio, heavy training etc). The drawback is my 2 elbows have bone growth which makes some tricep work rather painful. But you cant really notice that, and have slight bone growth on right shoulder which isn;t noticable either. I'm sure surgery would correct this.

I posted about gut being distented is the biggest drawback. I've heard both ways that its permenant....or that once I go off the GH, in time it will return to normal. The distention makes it hard to compete although my BF is low enough, I just have to somehow figure a way to counter this.