Anyone do dips


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I have started back doing dips and can really see a difference in my tris. It just seems like they get a really good pump from them. I really think these are what have caught my left arm up some too.
just started doin em again....wel sorta....we have a dip machine that I use....for me I notice better results with skull crushers and elbow out pressdowns....
i use them, but only for chest. gives a huge pump and great for finishing off chest.
I have not done them in a long time. I got to the point I was doing 4 sets of ten of weighted dips using 4-45 lbs plates. So I was doing them with an extra 180 lbs. The cartilage in my sternum started to pop and crack like you would crack your knuckles if I inhaled deep. Kind a freaked me out. I guess I stretched out my rib cage too much. It was a little painful so I stopped doing them.

Maybe I should give them a try again see how I feel. They are an AMAZING exercise.
We do dips on occasion, but not that often. Maybe should throw them back in the mix, so my tris can catch up to my bis. lol
The cartilage in my sternum started to pop and crack like you would crack your knuckles if I inhaled deep. Kind a freaked me out. I guess I stretched out my rib cage too much. It was a little painful so I stopped doing them.

Maybe I should give them a try again see how I feel. They are an AMAZING exercise.

My ribcage sometimes does that when I am squating if I brethe too deep, but I love some dips. Sometimes I do them twice a week. Once with chest, once with tris. It all depends on how they are done.