Anyone else addicted to ECA STACKS

I cycle it on purpose to avoid getting addicted. Each time when I get to the point when itis time to come off it gets harder and harder. I can see how someone could become addicted.
Bro I feel your pain! Ive been taking eca stacks for at least 9 years now. I take 50mg of e,325mg of a,and 200mgs of caff. It doesnt do alot anymore, it just wakes me up now. But i added l-arginine in with it and it started kickin again!
i drink one cup of joe in the morning and took some eca last week.. not a big fan of the stuff.. but get good resalts off the stuff.. just makes me feel weirod...
Does any of you know the exact mechanism behind the lethargic feeling you get when coming off and what you can do about it.

Also, does anyone of you knwo how to counteract the effect. You see, a couple of days ago I took my stack before a workout and normally I train off every little energy the stack gives me. Now something came up at the last minute and I go to the gym. This thing that came up asn't really good news and because adrenaline started to flow I got a bit worked up. Then I got into a fight over it with my mom and so I got more worked up. Man I couldn't control the shakes and I culdn't stay calm. So I did the most sensible thing... I got on my bike and drove around for a few hours until I was least a bit. When I came home I said there would not be talked about it anymore that day and I took some sleep pills and went to bed.

Now this is not a really good thing. Any of you know what to take to chill out if the stack kicks in to hard? Something that doesn't make you sleepy or drowsy and that you can take at day time?

I cycle it also so i dont get hooked. I experience a "happiness"type thing when I take it,which has been for the last 4 years. I dont know if there is a dopamine surge from it or why it has this effect on me????? I feel alot better when on then off.:D
I've been taking ECA for over five years at least once a week and 90% of the time every single day. Workouts on ephedra are so much better.... I hope my poor heart doesn't give out
i am so glad i read this post. i thought i was the only one. ive got a high metabolism anyway and dont really need eca to drop any bf but i dont think i could train without it. i love the stuff.
This actually leaves me with a couple of ?'s though. do you guys use an eca stack while on a cycle? do you notice any blood presure probs with it if you do? do you feel enough of a "rush" from your cycle while training that you dont use the eca stack?
Sorry for all the questions from a newbie but im looking into doing a b+b stack for my first cycle and this is kind of a concern for me.