Anyone else always hot??


New member
I was hot most of the time pre-cycle but man, now it's crazy. I keep the temp at home at 65 and in the car, 60 at full blast. But, I'm always sweating and the girl at work here keeps the AC at 75! :mad: Sizzling! I wake up at night and the pillow is drenched like it was just dipped in a pool. No exageration. My shirt is always soaked at the gym too, every workout. Blood pressure is fine, just checked it, but wow, I need to move to Alaska!
if i do the littlest bit of work outside, im drenched in sweat. its so annoying. im not over weight by any means @ 170lbs. i drink alot of water to. my sweat is all water, not salty at all. im used to it now.
I am exactly the same way. I am actually looking forward to cooler weather this year.
I'm always dripping in sweat, but i'm freezing when i get out of the shower and it's 60 degrees inside....

what a life....
I know what you guys mean I am the same way right now but I am doing ok but I too am looking foward to cool wather
human walking sweat pool here even worse now that I'm running liquid clen and t-3. I keep 2 pillows by the bed everytime I wake up I flip the pillow till I need to change to a new one to drench.
Be glad that you sweat - I am HOT *all* the time, and I practically never sweat...I just get 'heated up" and obnoxious. When the temperature is over 65 degrees, I am miserable....My wife has caught me taking naps with the window wide open and snowflakes drifting in on my bare chest.....
Well, I don't think you're that hot bro, but then again I'm straight ;)
Are you on tren?
The first time I did tren I remember having to get up in the middle of the night to put a big dry towel on my bed to lay on because the bed was drenched in sweat... I think tren has some fat-burning effects, but I haven't seen any research on it.
I am hot all the time while off AS but right now on fina/test I sweat all the time. The guys even wonder in the mornings here in NY its cold right now but if I am even walking I am sweating.. forget about it if I am running clen or ECA
I sweat mostly just at the gym and at night! I have to sleep with no blankets and the fan on me and I still wake up in a puddle of sweat! I also get super sweaty when I'm having sex, even if it isn't a hardcore bang fest!