Anyone ever experience "Tennis Elbow" in BOTH Arms?

I also take the joint supplements osteobiflex triple strength dollar gen brand I take it daily year round haven't had any problems and did some deca and the increase in water retention helped. My knee, wrist, shoulder,both elbows kill me also have L4,L5 disc and C5,C6 that can cause problems. Dead lifts make me dead. I really think the Sarms help and Cissis did something for sure.
I also take the joint supplements osteobiflex triple strength dollar gen brand I take it daily year round haven't had any problems and did some deca and the increase in water retention helped. My knee, wrist, shoulder,both elbows kill me also have L4,L5 disc and C5,C6 that can cause problems. Dead lifts make me dead. I really think the Sarms help and Cissis did something for sure.

Brother, I understand where you are coming from. No way that I can bend down to do deads anymore. I just do what I can and keep on killing it. Stay strong brother!!
I love those Copper Fit sleeves. I've used them on knees and elbows both with good success. They are only about $10 at Wal-Mart. They keep them with the "As seen on TV" stuff.
I love those Copper Fit sleeves. I've used them on knees and elbows both with good success. They are only about $10 at Wal-Mart. They keep them with the "As seen on TV" stuff.

I love mine. I remember when I was a kid, that a lot of the old times wore copper brackets on each wrist. They swore by them and would not take them off. I don't know the science behind the use, but as long as it work, it doesn't really matter. :show:
I love mine. I remember when I was a kid, that a lot of the old times wore copper brackets on each wrist. They swore by them and would not take them off. I don't know the science behind the use, but as long as it work, it doesn't really matter. :show:

For $10, I'll give them a shot, both elbows are shot on me! Am trying dmso now, just started it, hoping I can rehab them soon, I always wondered if they worked
Try Dr Scholls massager increases blood to flow and stimulates healing by moving inflammatory's away from fibers. Cycling with ice every night. Ice then massager I did at night. Use band during day I used ace bandage wrap especially during lifting. Also donating blood I believe helps remove inflammation from blood and thin our blood and allows it flow and prevents calcium and iron deposits from forming at injury. My Dr told me this and it helps for me. Sometimes our pains or from gout as well, lowering uric acid does wonders. I get symptoms at bottoms of feet from big toe to heal in arch of foot and other joints and tendons flare up around same time. I think it all related we all consume lots of protein which is linked to gout. I cut my protein donate blood and avoid turning wrist especially with dumbbells at least until healed 100%. Most of my problems are all related to the strain I put on my body working out even when hurt. I for past ten years have never skipped a week unless on a vacation and still always find a gym to get a couple days in. Before that I drank and got high so worked out seasonal always for spring and summer. I am now 10 years sober in recovery of mind altering substances. I don't get sick much and when I do I push thru it my wife and kids know if I miss my workout then I am sick bad. This becomes the issue of tendinitis inflammation of tears in our tendons that became inflamed because we not allowing to heal and working out again. I laid off things that bother them and adjusted my workouts to maintain muscle while letting them heal. Did all PT stretching and exercises myself Dr printed out for me and showed me what to do. I did my research and did what I mentioned. Being a mechanic just my job puts alot of strain not to mention my workouts. I was desperate ostarine and lgd did wonders. Lgd is being research for hip replacement to stimulate heal and strength in joint of hip afterwards. Alot of hip replacement patients health deteriorates in older groups from slow healing. I used them without any side effects with my trt and healed up 100%. I have carpal tunnel as well. The thumb wrist wrap to hold thumb from clinching helps with that. I am 40 these things flared up around 37 and we're worst than ever. Right now I am good but as mentioned in avoid the things that are really hard on joints and tendons as much as possible. I can maintain muscle I have built easy and what I lose I can gain back in a month after healing with lighter weights working out for pump. I had a shoulder tear this year I couldn't bench for 10 weeks except for seated loaded incline press I only did high reps light weight for chest twice a week super setting it between rest of workouts. It healed but had to lay off of certain motions. Sometimes all we can do is let our body heal. Things help but won't heal us if we re-tearing.