Anyone ever have this happen to them???


Staff member
I feel like something is pinched in my lower back because when i was working out last night any type of exertion would send numbing pain down the back of both my legs.

and today all day so far it feels like their is numbing shooting pain down the back of both my legs without even doing any exerting of any sort

anyone ever experience anything like this.

IT hurt so bad when going to the bathroom today #2. when sitting there pushing it sent pain shooting down both legs.

Just dont know what this is and if anyone else has experienced it and what they did to remedy the problem
That sounds bad bro, I would go to the doctor. Probably have a pinched nerve. It sounds like sciatica but that is usually only one leg at a time I believe. You could try stretches that stretch your lower back and hammies, hot pack on your lower back, maybe a massage, motrin at 800mg every six hours and lay off for a couple days and see what happens.
thanks bro, im not going to see a dr unless it gets worse, but its fucking painful now just sitting here, crazy shit
Just lay low and do stretches and alternate warm and cold packs. Dont baby it however. I know a but load about low back pain since I have had a total of 5 herniated disks. 3 at once on the first time, and 1 each other time. Been to neurologist plenty of time. They tell me that unless I have surgery just deal. F the surgery. Because of it I cant do squats which really sucks. Legs can take it but back can not. The funny part is that I did it the first time by just bending over wrong and picking up a pencil. Just twisted wrong and that was all it took
nerve damage would be my guss based on the info provided. aviod working the area and see ur doc. could b very minor, BUT could be serious. not something to mess around with.
ALSO could be ur prostate, have that check since ur goen.......naaaaaa. lol
Bro, had the same thing happen years ago and it sounds like a pinched sciatica's nerve. Need to see a chiropractor.