Anyone ever Hire an Escort?

Back in 1985 I went to New Orleans for business and went to a bar/club and saw this awesome looking lady. I went up to her and asked her if she'd like to dance. So we danced and afterwards started talking. Let me say again she was smokin hot. So I asked where she was from. LA she said. I asked what brings you here. I am here on business. Then I started thinking, this lady is a prostitute. And before I could say the words she said look I'm here on business and I can't talk any longer unless you want to be a customer. I was shocked but knew what she meant. I mean I couldn't believe this extremely good lookin lady was doing this. So I asked how much do you get? I said I was sorry for asking, but just had to know. She said 500.00 for 1 hour. She said that is for the basic. I went on to ask don't you fear disease. She said everything is with a condom. So this was my first experience with a real prostitute. Needless to say, I didn't have that kinda money and let her do her business. I was just amazed of this great looking woman doing this work. She did say she travels the country from big city to big city. Lastly she told me she made over 500 grand the year before. Now remember this is tax free. Damn.

not sure how i missed this but its funny story! And yeah its amazing how hot some of these women are! I doubt she really made 500k$ though, thats 1,000 "johns" at $500 a piece right? No way! And half these women spend half their earning on drugs, sad really! Anyhow funny story
not sure how i missed this but its funny story! And yeah its amazing how hot some of these women are! I doubt she really made 500k$ though, thats 1,000 "johns" at $500 a piece right? No way! And half these women spend half their earning on drugs, sad really! Anyhow funny story

She would average less than 3 guys a day so i can see that easy
my friends tell me that since I've never been married I don't know anything about it. of course I disagree. so I wonder if I could hire an escort that used to be thin have her come over, not cook, not clean, not have sex with me and just have her bitch at me all day. this way I'll get to experience what all my friends have been talking about over the years. hmmmm....
Pretty funny I have been involved in the Adult Entertainment biz on and off for years. Strip Clubs, Porn Stars, Centerfolds, Feature Acts and Escorts.lmao. I was an Agent for Porn Stars as well. Let me tell you guys I have seen it all. But what may come to a surprise to the average Joe is you would be fooled by some ladies that are also professionals and have the "9-to-5" job from all walks of life and not coming from the stereotypical abusive family/relationship. Sex sells...and some just like sex and the money that cums (pun intended) along with it. lol
Just saw this and yes I don't see why prostitution should be illegal. Pointless law imo

Agreed! But human trafficking is pretty bad with dirt bags pimping girls out, so I'm good with the law being all over it! But yeah in a perfect world women should be able to do what they like
Agreed! But human trafficking is pretty bad with dirt bags pimping girls out, so I'm good with the law being all over it! But yeah in a perfect world women should be able to do what they like

indeed. don't you think that it being illegal has a lot to do with human trafficking? I would think that if it was legal less women would be doing it on the black market. it would be more open and visible. no?
I gotta blow job from a stripper. I paid for a private dance in the back room. Girl was hot. She felt me get hard and asked if I wanted on so I said sure. Private dance was 25 bones.
I gotta blow job from a stripper. I paid for a private dance in the back room. Girl was hot. She felt me get hard and asked if I wanted on so I said sure. Private dance was 25 bones.
I feel like there might be something missing there lol
Lol, you fuckers want in the scoops?

Ill be honest, I paid the girl for a private dance, she gave me a couple of pumps, she gave me her number. I picked her up later about 3 in the morning. We boned behind the Walgreens in my truck. That's the story. I bought us both tacos after and I took her to her car back at the strip club. I went home and crashed.
I did not use a condom, my dick wouldn't stop iching for a good day. I went to the clinic and got tested. Negative on everything thank god. Turns out the iching was from my Busch growing back as I had shaved it two days before lol. Better safe than sorry.
she wasn't happy about it-though I did word it a little

if you look at it-the US is the one of the few countries that have stupid made up holidays like Valentine's day and puts a huge amount of social pressure on people due to the dating scene...

the guys we have to spend money-lot's of it, so we don't seem cheap or prove that we are providers

the women have to spend hours getting ready to show that they don't take it for granted

both have some form of competition with the other singles-no girl wants to be with a cheap bastard and no guy wants to go on a date and see all the other girls dressed up except the one he's with

weird how we've all be conditioned to turn it into one giant pissing contest

well said lol, i know its an old thread but someone LIKED it in my account so i checked this thread out again, and have to say you nailed your points daddio! Spot on!
Lol, you fuckers want in the scoops?

Ill be honest, I paid the girl for a private dance, she gave me a couple of pumps, she gave me her number. I picked her up later about 3 in the morning. We boned behind the Walgreens in my truck. That's the story. I bought us both tacos after and I took her to her car back at the strip club. I went home and crashed.
I did not use a condom, my dick wouldn't stop iching for a good day. I went to the clinic and got tested. Negative on everything thank god. Turns out the iching was from my Busch growing back as I had shaved it two days before lol. Better safe than sorry.

lmao ok I have to post the cliff notes here:

Fucked her in truck
behind walgreens
then bought her a Taco
Dropper her ass off
Woke up with itchy dick!


man oh man! lmao
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