Anyone ever home brew?


New member
It almost seems to easy. I bet raw material slips thru customs easier too. I could save a shit load brewing my own test e and getting anadrol raw powder. It's just a thought. I'll have to research and study up before I go any further.
Hopefully it'll be vitamin c from Japan. I hear it's better ha. Test e looks easier to brew up than fina. There's gotta be some catch.
Hopefully it'll be vitamin c from Japan. I hear it's better ha. Test e looks easier to brew up than fina. There's gotta be some catch.

Nope .. No catch.. That's why theres ug labs all over like Starbucks bro.. I'm cheap so I shake and bake sometimes for my palomino .
Just for the pony huh? You've never done it for your self? From what I've read test e holds at 400mg/ml easily so that'll be awesome.