Anyone ever Not Heat there FINA?


New member
I made some Fina in March or so. I planned on Using it before now but haven't gotten around to it. Anyway When I Made mine I had just read a way to make it with no heat. Anyway It came out real nice and golden. I was wondering if befor I use it should I heat it or will the ba have kept it sanitary?
Many times. Actually, unless I suspect for one reason or another that I should, I usually do not. I have never had a problem, (knock on wood). I am in the middle of a bottle right now. No problems. It is up to you. I have made and used over 20 bottles of it personally the majority of them never seeing heat.

Just my opinion.
I used to heat bottles, but I don't anymore. I don't think it's necessary. The BA should take care of anything. Besides Harvey(Fina guru)Balboner don't think it's necessary either.:D
You don't need heat, as the others said. The BA and filter is enough to make sure it is sterile.

The only heat I may use is if I'm getting impatient waiting on the pellets to disolve, but I never bake fina or any other home brews for that matter.

Hey gander thanks for the compliment.
it doesnt take long to do. Sure it may not be harmful not to but it is potentially better and safer to do so, so why not spend the little extra time?
I have never heated my fina and have used it in 4 cycles. So four conversions, never heated, and never had a painful injection sight... I don't think it is necessary. I will never heat mine.
i never heat mine anymore--i think it makes the does higher by not heating it and who really wants to inject brown stuff into them
I think he is talking about baking it in the oven after the conversion is done, not heating during conversion.
mine was dark brown the first go 'round, can't say whether it was because I heated it or not.....I'll not heat the next batch and see what happens