Anyone had this type of Hernia????


Staff member
I have had for a good year now a weird thing going on with my belly button. I have an INNY Bellybutton and it didnt start popping out but rather it got less deep and when i would put my finger in it and push in , it would then pop and stay in deeper and eventualy pop out a little less deep again.

So it didnt hurt and didnt think much of it, but now my fucking abs are litterlay tearing apart from one another. Starting at the top of my ab, the crease down the middle is getting wider and wider, another words my fucking abs are tearing apart, and now when i do abs like sit ups i have this little mound pop up right where my middle crease should be seperating each side of my abs.

Has anyone ever had this type of hernia? I just now started feeling a burning sensation in that area, and my belly sticks out a little now cause the crease in the middle isnt holding each side of my abs together real tight anymore.

I have a Doctor appt July 14th which is the absolute fastest appt i could get, so meanwhile has anyone experienced anything like this?

Its like now that the abs arent being held together side by side real tight , that my intestines seem to be pushing on them making my stomach always look full, and i dont have much fat on my abs either but because the abs are tearing apart from the center crease it is making me look like i have a full belly,lol

I know surgery isnt a big deal and they just go in and stitch my abs back together nice and tight and put a meshing behind the abs if need be but i dont think i need that right now cause nothing is realy popping through anywhere, its just my abs are not holding together tight at the center crease

So again anyone ever heard of this type of hernia or maybe its just a tear in the crease of my abs, theirs no pain in my groins, and no real pain at all but i am starting to feel that area burning pretty good now and then.

Anyone know anything about this shit
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Oh and Please No fucking HORROR STORYS PLEASE! My Dr. Appt isnt for another 2 weeks and I dont want to be freaked the fuck out by any 1 in a million chances Horror Storys, thank you very much! lmao
I had the exact same thing. Mine was actually 2 hernias tearing into one. It's not a big deal bro. They go in and stitch it and put in a mesh that your abs "grow" into. The first few days were rough and no sex for a few days, then just slowly back into stuff about 7 days later. All I have now is a tiny bump above my belly button that you can see very well when I get real lean, but only I notice it. Not a big deal brutha. It's called an umbilical hernia
I actually put off my surgery and competed in 07 with it. No big deal, but get the mesh!! It pretty much gaurantees you won't get another.
OverviewAbdominal muscles, sometimes called stomach muscles, run down the front and across the sides of the abdomen. They work together with your back to support lifting and are involved in twisting motions. When you injure a stomach muscle, the pain can be intense, and you might wonder if you have an umbilical hernia.AnatomySeveral muscles make up the "abs". The rectus abdominis runs down the front of the abdomen from the ribs to the pelvis; this is the "six-pack" muscle. The external and internal obliques wrap around the sides of your abdomen; the transversus abdominis runs deep under the other layers. An umbilical hernia involves the rectus abdominis, as do most pulled abdominal muscles, according to Medical Disability Guidelines.DefinitionsFirst degree (mild) abdominal pulls, or strains, result from over-stretching the abdominal muscles. They cause some discomfort but do not limit your activities. Second degree (moderate) strains involve a partial tear of the abdominal wall. They cause frank discomfort when using the abdominal muscle and limit your ability to do abdominal-intensive work, such as crunches or twisting motions. With third degree (severe) strains, the muscle is completely torn, according to the Medical Disability Guidelines, causing pain and possibly muscle spasms, swelling and bruising. Normal activities, such as sitting up from a prone position, become problematic. An umbilical hernia occurs with third degree strain when a piece of the intestines protrudes through the gap in the abdominal wall.CausesAbdominal strains and umbilical hernias occur after stress to the abdominal muscles, such as lifting heavy objects, sudden twisting motions, over-exercising or even after long periods of forceful coughing or sneezing, according to the Mayo Clinic.SymptomsA strained abdominal muscle can cause pain and, in severe cases, swelling or bruising at the site of the tear. The pain intensifies when you engage your stomach muscles and ebbs when you relax. Your abdominal muscles might feel weaker, so that you cannot do exercises that normally present no difficulty. An umbilical hernia creates a soft bulge near the navel, where the intestines protrude, whereas the site of an abdominal strain usually does not feel any different to the touch. (Sometimes a complete tear can leave a gap in the muscle that your doctor can feel.) The bulge from an umbilical hernia can range from less than ½ inch to 2 inches in diameter, according to the Mayo Clinic. Coughing, sneezing or exercising can make the bulge more prominent, and it can temporarily disappear when you relax.TreatmentsFor abdominal strains, ice the site within the first 24 hours and refrain from doing abdominal exercises until the strain is completely healed. For an umbilical hernia, consult your doctor. She might suggest surgery to remove the risk that the intestinal tissue will become trapped and cut off from its blood supply.
I have had an inguinial hernia. U dont want to play around with this shit, a hernia can stangle organs, it can come thru your skin, it can rupture. U dont need to feel groin pain, bc its not in that area, they can almost go anywhere in your torso, my wifes grandpa had one that was almost chest level
I've never had one that I know of. I don't really ever feel any pain anywhere except my back and I get spasms there a lot. Sorry, I can't help you out, but it sounds like The Dude has cleared things up and hopefully cleared your mind of worry, unlike Ronnie's post
Had that type fixed last Oct. had trouble standing up straight and putting my arms above my head for a few days. Was working chest and arms in a couple of weeks and full weight squats in around 3 - 4 weeks.

Take it easy for the first week and dont stretch the area too much, from there you can do normal household things and slowly start with the weights making sure not to stretch the abs stand slightly bending forward and work up fron there making sure not to hurt the area.

Mine was repaired 9 months ago and have not had one problem
Had that type fixed last Oct. had trouble standing up straight and putting my arms above my head for a few days. Was working chest and arms in a couple of weeks and full weight squats in around 3 - 4 weeks.

Take it easy for the first week and dont stretch the area too much, from there you can do normal household things and slowly start with the weights making sure not to stretch the abs stand slightly bending forward and work up fron there making sure not to hurt the area.

Mine was repaired 9 months ago and have not had one problem

That's good news, do you get this type of hernia the same way as others?
As far as I know it happens the same way

I don't know much about hernias as I've never had one. I wouldn't even really know what to look for in all honesty. Is this something that some people are more prone to than others?
This thread has worried me a bit. Seeing Presser's description, I'm wondering if I have the same thing going on. My abs seem to be separating lately and I feel something pressing against my belly button. No pain or discomfort really. Keep us updated on your doctor visit, Presser.
This thread has worried me a bit. Seeing Presser's description, I'm wondering if I have the same thing going on. My abs seem to be separating lately and I feel something pressing against my belly button. No pain or discomfort really. Keep us updated on your doctor visit, Presser.

If you're lean enough you can see it. Look for a round protrusion in the linea alba (area in the middle of the abdominal wall) that can be pushed in and out or pain. Mine had almost zero pain, just a funny little bump turns out I had 2 that wear slowly tearing towards each other. Still no big deal.
Inguinal hernias hurt. Just grab your nut sack and cough. If it hurts or you feel weird shit, go see a Dr.
Inguinal hernias hurt. Just grab your nut sack and cough. If it hurts or you feel weird shit, go see a Dr.

I had ahold of myself the other night and was practically barking like a dog and never felt anything. When I flex my abs it seems like I have an elevated ridge right down the middle. My middle two abs seem to be moving apart. And, I can put my fingertip in my belly button and it feels like a sack of fluid pressing against it from the top.