Anyone have issues with shipment to the UK


New member
Hi Guys,

Does anyone from the UK have issues with shipments from MC?

I was the lucky winner of the MC lottery in August this year and have been completely unlucky with recieving anything to date.

I'd like to point out at this time that MC and in particular Presser (whom i've defiantely offended {sorry man}<SORRY man>) have been wicked about this. They have shipped to date the first large package within 2 days of the prize being won, and then when this didnt show up presser then without question shipped the most important part again with priority mail.

Sadly still to date nothing has shown, i have had no seisure notice, no import tax charge notifications .. the stuff has just vanished in to thin air.

Obviously this is a prize and so this is all at MC's cost so i really have to say thanks to MC for even shipping a second time, however it leaves the question can i take the risk of ordering anything.
Its a nightmare, people rave about the MC products and i cant get my hands on them.

Does/has anyone had this issue before?

{Presser} sorry again man, this is how the first post should have read!</P>
I had the same issues but in Australia.. Presser sent it twice but nothing.. After a couple months I received customs seizure letters... They just took their time with the letters
I had the same issues but in Australia.. Presser sent it twice but nothing.. After a couple months I received customs seizure letters... They just took their time with the letters

Bummer man, did you manage to get around it ??
im sorry your countries are slowly taking away your freedoms.
unfortunately, we here in the u.s. arent very far away from that ourselves.
im sorry your countries are slowly taking away your freedoms.
unfortunately, we here in the u.s. arent very far away from that ourselves.

Let's hope not drew! Plus I don't understand why it would get stopped even over seas as it not illegal there either plus each package if opened explains in the panthlet it's a legal transdermal solution so why they would bother with it at all is beyond me!