Anyone Heard from The Dude about his show


Staff member
Just curious to see if anyone has word on how the dude did so far in todays show and if anyone here was at prejudging?
CH3N02 and Leatherhead were there along with their wives and got some great pics. I looked great 100% on. Unfortunately while I looked great there were 19 competitors in my class that looked incredible. I didn't make top 10. The size and conditioning of these guys was tremendous. Several has CROSS STRIATED glutes. I'm making no excuses. I dieted and trained for 20 weeks and never missed a meal, a workout, or cardio and I never once cheated. I am trying not to get upset because so many supported me and in a way I feel like I let them down. The competitors in this show were simply at another level. 19 LHW and 15HW and not a slacker among them. CH3N02 and Leatherhead will hopefully post pics tonight. I'm sorry I couldn't have done better. I really thought the package I brought was impressive, but at this show it was not. Night show starts at 6pm
You didnt let anyone down brutha! Your brought your "A" game and thats all that counts! Its all relative brutha! And its inspirational for the community to watch and read your progress over the months building up to the show!

And were all more then happy that you represented MuscleChemistry!
You didnt let anyone down brutha! Your brought your "A" game and thats all that counts! Its all relative brutha! And its inspirational for the community to watch and read your progress over the months building up to the show!

And were all more then happy that you represented MuscleChemistry!
Hey bro, you gave it your all and thats all that matters. You did your best...
you did the best you can do not let it bring you down. you stepped on stage something alot of us have not and probally will never do. cant wait to see the pics
It's all about your personal journey not always about the trophy . Personal sacrifice , discipline , dedication and pushing yourself beyond your limits all count for something . In fact they might be more important than the actual award . You can use this experience to improve over the next year and come back in even better condition . In the meantime you are in fantastic shape ! .. take advantage of the bod and enjoy your summer . Not too many bodies like that on the beach I'm sure .. All the best bro .. I know you will be on stage next year ..
Trophies are nice, but in the end, you worked your ass off and as with any show, you never who or how many are going to show up to a show- you did your best and finished.
Only a small percentage of people can say that.
My wife continued to be so supportive and really made a big disappointment into a great experience. Still have some knots in my stomach and some emotion I'm supressing. She got me a card with all kinds of gift cards to a bunch of different restaurants and wrote me a long letter about how I'm the most impressive man she's ever known :) I'm a lucky guy. Maybe next time.