Anyone know of gear called...


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anybody know of gear from Europa Quality Laboratories, LTD

or AKA "EQL"

about the only info i can get is from...

any info would be great



and oh, does the profina cause any water retention, or can i go into contest with it???
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good stuff, some of it is a little painful though.
EQL's good gear as far as I know, I hear good stuff about all of their products (although they are, at times, hard to get - don't ask, it's a personal experience I don't want to share).....I've tried their EQ and I like it better than QV's boldenone.....
I haven't tried it either. But a bro of mine said he wouldn't use it again because it is to painfull. WAHHH
Real good gear(personal use) The concentrations are higher(300-400mg/ml) so it is painful.....................but effective!
they have some interesting mixes like profina AND suspension/winny, im not impressed by there quality just my .02
supposedly overdosed... but like everyone said, supposedly very painful (even crippling).
thanks for the input and opinions... any others would be great...

and about the painful injections, well, "NO PAIN NO GAIN!!!"


i just aquired a bottle of sus 250

never seen this label before

would like some more info on it

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Basically they are a under ground lab good stuff painful will knot you up even. I thought they where out of business though.