Anyone NOT come off gear?


New member
Honestly, raise your hand if you just don't come off gear and you stay on year round or at least for long cycles, around 6 months or more...

I know a bunch of guy's at my gym that do that.

I am not currently one of those guys but I am interested in opinions/experiences from the members of this board.
not me lol maybe someday im bout to start my second cycle ever of anything haha im still a newb :> but slowly but surely im getting where i want to be. im so excited tomorrow is d day haha.
Good luck Gbart.

For me, just knowing I'm on gear gives me SOOO much motivation to lift heavy, do my cardio, make it to the gym every day and NAIL my diet down! I never cheat while I'm on cycle (Maybe 1 meal per week AT MOST) and I wouldn't have it any other way!

I've been eating clean so long that I have ZERO desire to even cheat once. What's the point?
I have personally did a year cycle once and had no problems.Had my liver and kidneys check thru out and no problems.But that was me.
My last cycle was over 6 months. Had to quit cause my blood pressure was getting to high. Took a while for it to come back down too...
maybe someone can tell me how the hell can someone poke themselves year round and not have the injection sites go to mush-hell after 10-12 weeks my glutes are in pain and I'm bleeding like crazy after I pull the needle out
dorian123 said:
maybe someone can tell me how the hell can someone poke themselves year round and not have the injection sites go to mush-hell after 10-12 weeks my glutes are in pain and I'm bleeding like crazy after I pull the needle out

rotate inj sites
it sounds like your building up alot of scar tissue and inj right into that
try rotating sites
About two years now, but I am over 40, so I think of it as an intense THT.

No probs with the injections - it actually does get easier. Just rotate sites. Thighs are getting a bit harder to hit, but I shifted to a longer pin and magic.

Best thing is the PCT - none. I do change things up. Right now I am doing a low test cycle (and losing some strength) as I try to make my tendons stronger. A werid BULKING cycle where I am gaining weight, but only getting stronger on some exercises and losing on some key ones. Also, I am getting SORE from the workouts. When I took more test, it was magic. Oh well, a couple of weeks more and I will add 400 mg more test and feel like a king.

I get my liver values tested every 4-6 weeks and only run a bit high. BP is only a bit high, but I am on meds for it. Lipid profile is fine. Kidneys were tested a year ago, and I will talk with doc about it when I see her next. If you do this, you need to make sure you monitor things closely. All in all, I am healthier than I was four years ago.
Try HRT, I've been "on" for seven years now. I've had to rotate all over the place, but it can be done. Of course, I'm not doing eod or ed injects either.
I dont know man, Its nice to have a break. I like to see where my body is naturally before I take another cycle. Plus, I just feel a lot healthier, Dont have to worry so much about sides, and I get my life back in order. I get a little nutty when Im on, very jealous, Kinda mean, more impulsive, and a major sex addict. So, its nicer on the people who are around me too. Every day Im off though... im just counting days before I can go back on. -2 more months 19 days, and four
I have been on for 4 and a half months before and that was long enough, just got sick of jabbing myself and glad I finished up and took an 11 week break, just back on again now and loving sticking pins in me again lol
Over three years, but it's HRT. I vary from 300ml a week to 3g a week.
BP is good. Cholestoerol is elevated, but not higher than it was for 6 years before I even started.
The only time I feel normal is when I'm on.
My roomie stays on year round. when hes just trying to maintain his weigh he takes a shot of deca a week, but now hes getting ready for comp so hes back into it. Don't really know how bad that would affect someones body, but from my guess, its bad to go year round
DragonRider said:
Over three years, but it's HRT. I vary from 300ml a week to 3g a week. BP is good. Cholestoerol is elevated, but not higher than it was for 6 years before I even started. The only time I feel normal is when I'm on.

Holy sh... 3g a week?? Wow, that is a lot. You are only on test?

I have to agree with you that I too feel normal only when I'm on.
i have been on for long periods but now i am going to just hit about 2 cycles a year now, one cyle will be 180days and so will the other LMAO!! nahh i havnt decided what i am going to do..i am thinking of runnin just shics this year and one moderate dose test only to help me maintain my mass
the only thing i worry about is sterility,i have a low sperm count as is and i want children...but shit if women can stay on birth control for years and then breed like field mice why cant i LMAO